Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1232: Don't come for real!

Chapter 1232 Don't Come Really!

"No." Li Jun's eyes lightened slightly, coldly rejecting the girl's request.

"Other things, I rely on you. But don't let me say I love you, don't let me accompany you to shoot, bed, play ... Absolutely not. Mengmeng, good ... don't make a fool."

The man was serious and even spoke with a cold face.

But the word 'make a bed scene' was bitten heavily by him.

And when he made her obedient, he even had to get closer.

Ruan Mengmeng stepped back immediately, but hit his back firmly on the bed.

No refunds! !! !!

"Li Junyu, don't bully you too much, I'm filming, not playing! You take it seriously!" The girl was so anxious that she guessed it was because she had Li Junyu eaten a few days ago, so this Men have to deliberately rectify her.

Otherwise, he still hated her for some reason.

So after watching her finally get a unique good character, she came to help her.

Ruan Mengmeng is not stupid to see the situation, but her heart is already scared.

Regarding feelings, young girls are even inferior.

She would rather believe that Li Junyu was trying to tease her rather than have other ideas.

"Meng Meng, I'm not playing ... I'm especially serious about you." The man spoke close to his body, with a big palm resting on the bedpost beside the girl's face.

Hold the girl's petite body between his chest and the big bed.

And his other hand picked up a ray of blue silk falling down her ears, and the deep and dark phoenix eyes fell on her fair-skinned little face, only to think that it was not enough to see.

It wasn't like this for a long time, and at such a close distance, he enjoyed his girl alone.

Her watery Apricot's eyes lifted angrily and defensively, staring at him fiercely, with coquettish anger.

Under the apricot eyes is a small Qiong nose, as lovely as pink carving.

Further down, the man's eyes were deep.

It was a girl's slightly soft, tender lips.

Under the light of the studio light, her delicate lips exude charming luster, tempting Li Junyu all the time.

"Okay, pay attention to all the units-the lights and the radio, all of you!" Just then, the voice of director Andre suddenly came from the loudspeaker.

The sudden sound of preparing to start shooting completely disrupted Ruan Mengmeng's plan.

She had no time to refuse.

"Director, I ..." The girl wanted to say something, but a man's big hand suddenly pinched the soft flesh around her waist.

The girl suddenly turned into a silent gurgling when she reached her mouth.

She didn't dare to scream, and gritted her teeth.

"Meng Meng, don't be nervous ... let's fight for it, remember the investment and feelings, we must grasp it! Okay, turn on the live radio, and everyone ..."

The live radio was turned on, which means that every conversation between Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu now reaches the director and associate director.

The films directed by Andre are all sent to major film festivals, so they care about the radio during the same period.

If Ruan Mengmeng doesn't want to be heard by the director and co-director, or even post-production, what an extraordinary conversation ... At this time, it is best to be honest and not to speak.

Girls naturally understand this truth.

Therefore, starting from the director shouting the same period of radio, she can only stare at Li Junyu in shame.

Although Ruan Mengmeng's muffled mouth didn't say anything, the eyes that clearly said "warning" and "threatening" clearly said-Li Junyu, if you dare to try it, I will definitely You regret it!

The girl glared at the man who was nearer and closer to her eyes. She only hoped that Li Junyu would retreat if she could not understand the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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