Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1234: Biting her for the second time

Chapter 1234: Biting Her For The Second Time

"Well, let go ... you let me go ..."

Ruan Mengmeng is desperately struggling to escape from Li Jun's arms like copper walls and iron walls.

Fortunately, at this time, according to the direction of the script, Qin Xin just happened to respond to Jun Wuxie's strong closeness.

Although she admired Jun Wuxue innocently, she was hurt by Jun Wuxie's brutal rudeness.

What's more, Qin Xin was just a jerky girl who was raised in a deep boudoir. Even if he saved Jun Wuxie in Houshan, he only touched the opposite **** body for the first time when he was treating the wound.

Everything comes to an end, with salvation as the mainstay.

She had never been close to a strange man like this.

Therefore, Ruan Mengmeng's desire to run away and her angry and aggrieved rebellion coincided with Qin Xin's mood and lines at the moment.

"Hold on, you are my woman ..." the man lowered his voice, his voice hoarse and dull.

His powerful and domineering thin lips pressed hard.

These remarks are like what Jun Wuxie said to Qin Xin.

Also like Li Junyu's declaration of his beloved girl.

"Don't ..." Ruan Mengmeng struggled.

Breathing has been defeated by the man's strong attack.

The man's thin lips covered her lips and sucked hard, not only kissing her delicate lips, but also taking up her breath.

"Well, no ..." Ruan Mengmeng finally couldn't help but uttered a weak cooing.

And the next moment, Li Junyu not only let go.

Instead, she used her slender five-finger fingers to hold her back, pressing her harder towards herself.

"Well ..." The girl couldn't escape.

Her breathing gradually increased, like a mist of mist in the apricot eyes of water.

At this moment, she could hardly distinguish whether it was Qin Xin who appeared in the play or herself.

Ruan Mengmeng has always been unable to cope with being kissed by Li Junyu.

That has always been the case.

As long as Li Junyu approaches, as long as he kisses her, as long as his nose is filled with his cool and masculine hormonal breath.

She would lose her legs and become weak.

No matter how strong and powerful it is usually ... in front of this man, it will become a soft and useless beast.

Ruan Mengmeng doesn't like this very much. Even if it's acting, she doesn't like it.

Thinking of the damage the man in front of her had done to her, the girl's already blurred eyes passed a trace of clarity.

"No, don't ..." Ruan Mengmeng pushed Li Junyu vigorously, and turned to climb into the big bed.

But she had just crawled out, but the man's big palm was wrapped around her waist, pulling her back.

Feng Pixia's crown was torn off during the escape, and the girl's silk-like black silk was scattered on the red wedding dress.

Black and red are in sharp contrast, and the bright colors appeal to people.

Jun Wuxie Mo Tong slightly stunned, and the next moment he did not hesitate to tear off the girl's wedding dress.

The silky black hair slipped to the side of the neck with the wedding dress, and the young girl's delicate white shoulders were exposed to the air.

Jun Wuxie's eyes were cold and deep, sinking dumbly.

He leaned down and kissed the young girl's red earlobes, which had already been red: "Remember, you are mine, from heart to body ..."

Having said that, he bowed his head, biting on the girl's snowy left shoulder severely.

There was one left, his mark.


"Well ..." Ruan Mengmeng hadn't expected that Li Junyu would really bite.

He actually bit him!

This is the second time to bite her today!

The girl whispered uncontrollably, a tingling sensation straight from her shoulders to the entire back of her head.

Even the stern arm supported on the bedside could not help shaking.

Shout card, why not shout card?

Master Andre said it was good to call this card when he got the picture, why not call it!

(End of this chapter)

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