Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1240: The girl looked at the reporters with a look of mental retardation

Chapter 1240 The Girl Looks At The Journalists With A Look At The Intellectually Impaired

However, it is expected that in the face of reporters' questions, Ruan Mengmeng will be panicked and even angry and shameless.

I saw the young girl chased by many microphones and camera lenses, tilted her head slightly, and looked up at the camera.

A strand of hair on her forehead drifted down, hiding in front of those soft and delicate apricot eyes, while her eyes were moist and hazy.

This was the glance that almost made the staff carrying the camera blush.

And on the Internet, the audience who were watching the live broadcast interview was also trembling in their hearts.

On Weibo in the live room, there were countless instant comments flashing—

[My second Olympic, this girl looks so good, no wonder there are top resources as soon as they debut! 】

[Hum, what good is it to look so beautiful, so dark-hearted, this kind of woman is a femme fatale]

[I'm convinced that this face value is as a face dog ... but my heart is too bad to fall in love, alas ... unfortunately]

[The demon in the demon is not a good person at first glance. This kind of girl does not know how many rules have been passed by the master, and only you, the silk, will kneel and lick! Want her to get out of the entertainment industry! 】

[Yes, Ruan Mengmeng got out of the entertainment circle! Ruan Mengmeng got out of the entertainment circle! Ruan Mengmeng got out of the entertainment circle! 】

At the beginning, there were several passers-by netizens who lamented Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful face, but later they were covered up by the critics who criticized her.

For a while on the Internet, she was either scolding Ruan Mengmeng for “pretending to be cute and pretending to be cute” or asking her to “apology publicly”.

At the scene, these entertainment reporters and dogs were also impatient.

Putting the microphones forward one by one, forcing Ruan Mengmeng to make a statement and apologize.

The deputy director quietly pulled behind: "Ruan Mengmeng, I'll block it for you, you can find a room to hide and wait for your agent to come ..."

But the girl was unmoved.

In everyone's unexpected eyes, Ruan Mengmeng stepped forward suddenly, not only did not hide, but also approached the camera.

She walked to the camera and took one of the microphones freely.

In the eyes of this group of reporters who were expecting and full of excitement, the young girl tilted her head and looked at the reporters with a look of mental retardation.

Her soft, tender voice sounded on the spot: "Are you entertainment journalists, don't watch social news?"

The reporters were shocked: "?"

Looking at the expressions of these reporters, Ruan Mengmeng knew that her conjecture was indeed correct.

This group of reporters ran entertainment news all day and probably never paid attention to social reports.

She reluctantly explained: "I just got on the Presidential Palace commendation list early this morning. You just have to go to the official website of the Presidential Palace to see."

Reporter A: "Recognition list, what recognition list do you know?"

Reporter B: "How do I know that I never care about social issues."

Ruan Mengmeng is really speechless to this group of reporters, and kindly reminded: "It was selected every two years in our country S, and the nation was honored as a hero model to recognize the list of candidates for the conference. In December, I was awarded the prize by myself. I am lucky. I caught up with this time so I was selected. "

In conclusion, there were already reporters logged in to the Presidential Palace website on the Internet using their mobile phones.

Sure enough, I saw the commendation list just published this morning.

There were 30 people in total, and Ruan Mengmeng's name came last in chronological order.

Because she is the latest candidate.

After her name, she clearly wrote about her dedication to justice: Ruan Mengmeng, female, born in June XXXX, a freshman in the acting department of the School of Drama, Zhixue Private University. In November of this year, in Wumeishan Scenic Area, life-threatening large-scale landslide incident, heroically rescued more than 30 trapped wounded ...

[Haha ~ Although it is a fictional country fictional overhead novel, but our country is indeed selected once every two years. Seeing justice and being a hero model ~]

(End of this chapter)

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