Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1243: You cannot be with Ruan Mengmeng because ...

Chapter 1243 You Can't Be With Ruan Mengmeng, Because ...

"I ..." I want you.

Ruan Jiaojiao almost said this.

Before anyone knew what to do, he saw the man sitting opposite him frown coldly.

Hei Shen's cold eyes fell on her, only to teach her to feel a cold chill suddenly from her coccyx, straight to the back of the brain.

Ruan Jiaojiao was so stiff that she almost swallowed the delusional request.

Cold, so cold ...

The man in front of her was Li Junyu, Master Li.

Ruan Jiaojiao remembered the past few times, she wanted to hook up with ‘Yue Jun Yu’ but suffered losses in ‘Yue Jun Yu’. She finally had a little brain.

She could change her tongue: "I ... I want 50 million."

After speaking, I felt a loss, and quickly added: "And the heroine of this movie, I know ... the master's play has the investment of Li Sheng Group."

Li Junyu's cold eyes glanced at a cold mang: "50 million is no problem, the second condition is not good. Either Li Sheng invests in another drama to support you as a heroine, or our transaction is void."

For Li Junyu, Tianda's secret can no longer let him let go of Ruan Mengmeng's hand.

Rob the Meng Meng heroine just to get the so-called secret of her life.

Huh ... He is confident that he will spoil his girl for a lifetime, even if he can't find his biological father, he will never hurt her with the so-called kindness.

Stupid things have been missed once, and he will not be wrong again.

Li Junyu's attitude is resolute. Ruan Jiaojiao can only promise if he doesn't want anything.

She hesitated: "Okay, I can accept ... But how can you guarantee that I tell you this secret, and you can give me what I want? In case I tell you, afterwards you regret it?"

The man didn't even raise his eyelids and said coldly, "You can choose not to say."

"I ..." Ruan Jiaojiao's breathing was stagnant, but Li Junyu didn't expect it to be so difficult.

She thought that she could at least smash Junyu by holding Ruan Mengmeng's life experience.

I didn't expect it to be controlled by people everywhere.

Ruan Jiaojiao thought of those in the shopping mall, and rumors about Li Jun's imperatives were out of bounds.

"No, I believe Li Shao won't lie to me ... Well, I told Li Shao everything I knew ..." Ruan Jiaojiao said, and blinked.

Intentionally made a pure and sincere look.

"Ruan Mengmeng is with you, you shouldn't be together at all. Did you know that? Ruan Mengmeng has a close relationship with you. You can't be lovers ... because you are brothers and sisters, you are blood relatives Brother and sister. If you are with Ruan Mengmeng, it is chaos == lun! Fortunately, I know this. If it is known by others, even your Li family ’s heir ’s position will not be guaranteed. ”

When Li Junyu heard it, his cold eyes were covered with frost.

His face sank, and he no longer wanted to listen to Ruan Jiaojiao, a stupid woman.

Who knows the next second, but listening to Ruan Jiaojiao's downright voice: "I inadvertently heard this from a big man. Lie you don't know it yet, Ruan Mengmeng's birth Mother Chen Qingzhi ... She was derailing your father when she was still my dad and wife! She not only derailed in marriage, but also hooked up with your father to give birth to Ruan Mengmeng. "

"So Ruan Mengmeng is your half-sister, you are brothers and sisters, you must not be together!"

After speaking, Ruan Jiaojiao's eyes glanced over.

Ha, with this layer of relationship, she doesn't believe that Ruan Mengmeng can be looked at by Li Junyu.

I'm afraid that Li Junyu now wants to bury Ruan Mengmeng, so that he can cover up his ‘crime’!

(End of this chapter)

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