Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1255: Thank you fortunate to have you at this time

Chapter 1255 Thank You, Fortunately I Have You At This Time

Ruan Mengmeng has no idea how he got home.

She was full of warring affairs, her biological father Zhan Yang, her half-brother and sister.

And the poor and miserable fighter.

People may be selfish, but Ruan Mengmeng is definitely not a girl who is selfish enough to disregard morality.

Obviously wearing a warm jacket, it is not cold and deep winter now, but she has the illusion of setting an ice cellar.

Even if Li Junyu personally sent her downstairs in the community, even if he comforted her all the way, even if he said that everything was not settled, he would send someone to check for her.

However, Ruan Mengmeng was still murky and could not let go.

Until she returned home, she saw Chen Qingzhi coming out of the bedroom holding Ruan Mianmian.

"Meng Meng, you finally came back ... You said you were going to take Mian Mian out to eat, why did you come back so late. You look at our little Mian Mian, and my face is so hungry that it is not beautiful.

"Mom ..." Ruan Mengmeng screamed Chen Qingzhi, interrupting her cheerful tone.

"I won't go out to dinner tonight, you come in, I have something to tell you."

I ca n’t hold on any longer.

In any case, she must prove to Chen Qingzhi herself.

"Why not go out and eat, we all said yes, we should take it out. Ruan Mengmeng, children can't lie, promised to do it."

Chen Qing laid down Ruan Mianmian with a sullen expression, staring at Ruan Mengmeng with displeased expression.

She didn't know what happened to Ruan Mengmeng, but her daughter's face was not good when she came back. Now it is still the same, in Chen Qingzhi's opinion, it is completely unreasonable.

"Not suitable for eating out today." Ruan Mengmeng couldn't explain in front of her face.

She rubbed her temples tiredly, walked over, and grabbed Ruan Mianmian's hands.

"Mian Mian, I'm sorry ... Ma Ma is particularly tired of filming today, and there are important things to tell my grandmother. Look, can our dinner be changed, Ma Ma ..."

"It's okay, oh, if you're tired, take a good rest, feel sleepy ... not hungry."

The little man's fluffy hands suddenly rested on Ruan Mengmeng's shoulders, and made a look to knead Ruan Mengmeng.

"Ma Ma is tired, he is good, he squeezes his shoulders."

The child's apricot eyes are clean and clear, and the beautiful pupils are crystal clear.

Looking at this kind of feeling, feeling the power she brought to her, Ruan Mengmeng's nasal cavity suddenly became sour, and her eyes became uncontrollably red.

The news I just learned almost reversed her outlook on life and world in the past 20 years.

The feeling of falling into the ice cave alone and constantly going down made her stiff and cold all over.

But now, hugged by the flesh, and gently relieved by her, Ruan Mengmeng's cold heart finally felt a warm feeling.

"Thank you Mian Mian, thank you ..." She hugged Ruan Mian Mian, deeply deeply.

Thank you sister, and thank you for leaving Mian Mian.

In this sad and cold world, fortunately, there is still a long existence.

Thank you Mian Mian, fortunately I have you at this time.



A few minutes later, Ruan Mengmeng, who regained her mood, went into the house with Chen Qingzhi alone.

At this time, Chen Qingzhi had discovered the strangeness of Ruan Mengmeng.

She looked at the girl slightly defensively, and couldn't help but ask, "What the **** are you doing? What happened outside, and why did you look like this when you came back? Ruan Mengmeng, did someone say something to you?"

Chen Qingzhi suddenly had a bad feeling.

very bad.

Never be a member of that family, know what.

(End of this chapter)

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