Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1260: Feel each other

Chapter 1260: Feeling Each Other

"Ruan Mengmeng, Ruan Mengmeng ..." The shouting voice of the reception officer beside him deliberately lowered, awakening the young girl who was still in a daze.

Looking at the vacant back, Ruan Mengmeng, who had never returned to God, finally reacted.

"Ah ... sorry, I was a little ..."

"Understand that the first time an ordinary person saw this reaction from His Excellency the President himself. How about it, did you think that His Excellency the President was solemn and mighty? To tell you the truth, when His Excellency the President was young, it was the first handsome country of S.

It is said that there were many famous ladies who wanted to marry His Excellency the President, especially after His Excellency the Wife ’s widow. The Presidential Palace was stepped on the threshold every day by family members.

It is not enough that our Excellency the President is so committed to the dead wife that he does not look at the women at all. Alas, but unfortunately, because of this, His Excellency the President has not even had a loved one by now. It is really ... "

The receiving officer suddenly found himself feeling temporarily, and accidentally revealed the president's family affairs.

He was trying to tell Ruan Mengmeng not to tell others.

But when she saw the young girl who had just returned to God, she stared at the discovery of the president's departure, revealing a sullen expression.

Do n’t even have a loved one around you?

Ruan Mengmeng looked at the waning one, although she was still tall and mighty, she looked extraordinarily lonely, and somehow her nose was sore.

She suddenly saw the back of Mr. Ruan before his death from Mr. President.

The lonely old man was alone.

She had no idea why Mr. President was not accompanied by a loved one.

Even if Zhan Yang has died, is there still Zhan Mo, Zhan Jiaer?

Why isn't his grandson and granddaughter by his side?

Ruan Mengmeng subconsciously took a step, wanting to go and stop the lonely old man.

She broke the original plan and suddenly wanted to go up and talk to him.

However, the receptionist, who had an immediate response to the disease, grabbed her.

"Ruan Mengmeng, Ruan Mengmeng ... what are you doing? Even if you worship again, you can't bump into His Excellency the President. Come on, you want to see His Excellency, you will see it on the first of next month. It will be a great time for him When awarding, I will take two more photos for you personally ... "

The receptionist was still talking, but Ruan Mengmeng could not listen.

Yeah, next month next month, it's almost ...

At that time, she can still see him.


There, Ruan Mengmeng has been asked by the reception officer to get in the car and take it away.

On this side, President Zhan Kai, who was listening to the official report of the government, suddenly stopped.

The entourage immediately stopped their steps and stood upright and waited for His Excellency the President.

Everyone knows the rules of His Excellency the President. In the presence of the military-born president, he must not be sloppy.

Seeing the president look serious, one after another thought he was going to ask about important business.

But I heard the president's full voice sounded: "Yes, know that just outside, just standing by the car and lowering his head did not dare to see who the little girl is?"

"Ah?" The director of the house looked stunned.

The same goes for the officials behind him.

His honour, His Excellency, the President suddenly lowered his face, looked at them seriously, and waited for a long time to ask this question?

They, they thought, had any major national policy issues to discuss.

After seeing His Excellency the President's face sink, the governor of the government first responded and quickly answered: "Sorry, sir, because the girl was not in charge of my arrangement, I don't know her identity yet. But the official who accompanied her just now is at the reception , I'll ask. "

"Forget it, don't have to be so troublesome, I just ask casually." President Zhan shouted and was going to ask the governor in the house.

He just felt that the girl was standing alone, unspeakably lonely.

In fact, the girl bowed her head, and he didn't even see his face.

Hmm ... probably old, this heart is getting softer.

When I saw a little girl, I felt compassion.

"Let's go, there are still many things to wait for a resolution to go into the meeting." After that, the President Zhan took the lead.

Other officials immediately followed, and no one remembered the girl who had just caught the attention of His Excellency the President.

[Beyond 1200 words: I'm sorry I'm so uncomfortable today, write a less chapter ~ 6.1 write more on that day, why ~]

(End of this chapter)

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