Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1264: Another person who was abused by Li Jun Yu's dog food

Chapter 1264: Another Person Crying By Li Jun's Royal Dog Food

"Li Junyu, you shut up!"

Ruan Mengmeng was intolerable, turned his face darkly, and whispered to the man behind him.

After roaring, he immediately turned back and explained to Shen Niyun: "It's not like this, Shen Niyun, don't get me wrong, it's all about him ..."

"You ... you ... Ruan Mengmeng ... You dare ... dare to roar, Li Li ..." Shen Niyun opened his mouth wide, and looked at Ruan Mengmeni with a stunned look.

She has been to Li's several times and has eaten with Li's family.

It wasn't when I saw Li's family going up and down, no one from old to young dared to make a loud noise in front of Li Junyu.

Occasionally, the old lady Li could talk to her grandson a few times, still the kind of flattering attitude, apparently afraid of the grandson's unhappy attitude.

Shen Niyun's face was already full of surprise, shock, and disbelief.

The dignified Miss Shen family always raised her habit with chin, which was extremely proud.

At this moment, I almost fell to the ground.

Ruan Mengmeng: "... roar?"

Was she just shouting at Junyu just like that?

Uh ... she seemed to be in a hurry and didn't notice it at all.

When Shen Niyun said this, I felt that ... keke, it's not right.

However, this is the case, and some people do not know that cessation is still pouring fuel on the fire.

Li Junyu did not look at Shen Niyun at all, but lowered his eyes, and gently rubbed the girl's head. Provokes our feelings. "

"Don't have ulterior motives"?


After Shen Niyun found out that she had become ‘ulterior motives’ in Li Junyu ’s mouth, she was almost so angry that she vomited blood due to internal injuries.

She resisted melancholy and said, "Brother Li, I'm not ulterior motivated, I'm not to you ..."

Shen Niyun didn't finish talking, but she saw Li Junyu's face turned blue, and the girl who ignored him pulled her into her arms.

He whispered softly.

The low magnetic sound sounded slowly.

"I'm angry, huh? Ignore me, I'm angry ... I'm angry, I feel bad when I'm angry."

"I was just telling you the truth. The person who chased you was indeed me. You didn't promise but it didn't mean I couldn't pursue you ...

"Don't worry, it won't be misunderstood. Yes, you don't like me ... I know, but I like you. Why ignore me again, beloved, don't be angry."

Facing the low courage of men's patience, Ruan Mengmeng is a completely disgusting appearance.

But the more she hated it, the more patient he was.

In that man's eyes, there was no one at all, not to mention Shen Niyun, whom he should have seen several times at family gatherings.

And Shen Niyun, standing in front of Li Junyu, watching his patient calm nature coax Ruan Mengmeng as if looking at a stranger.

Such Li Junyu is strange and she has never seen it before.

She never knew that Li Li, who was cold and indifferent, could be so gentle when she was patient.

However, his eyes never looked at himself, not even one light gave alms.

His eyes only allowed the girl who was in his arms by his domineering.

Shen Yunyun didn't know what it was. What kind of light was in his eyes?

It seemed like a world she had never touched.

She looked at them so sternly, stunned Li Junyu bent over, leaned over Ruan Mengmeng's ear, and whispered something to her.

Looking at Ruan Mengmeng Tieqing's complexion, he finally recovered a bit.

Watching her complaining pushed the man away.

Looking at the high level, it is impossible to be too big, but under the girl's "glare", helplessly returned to the car.

Finally, I saw Ruan Mengmeng that Li Junyu and his car were 'driving away' together.

When the girl finished all this, turned back and was thinking of explaining to Shen Niyun.

Shen Niyun, who stood in the same place and watched the scene, grabbed her hand first: "Ruan Mengmeng, was that love just now? That is to love someone, to accommodate her, to take care of her, to her liking Is love the first criterion? "

"Why can even a cold person like Brother Li find love ... I don't even have a favorite person?"

[Beyond 1200 words: Update completed, see you after 8 tomorrow ~]

(End of this chapter)

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