Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1271: Let Mengmeng tell Li Junyu the truth directly

Chapter 1271: Let Mengmeng Tell Li Jun Royal Truth Directly

Since the appearance of Shen Lan, she opened her mouth and shut her mouth in three words without leaving ‘let Ruan Mengmeng leave Li Junyu’.

One of Chen Qing thought that Shen Lan had come to find fault on purpose, but it didn't matter.

But the more I heard, the more I felt wrong.

Mengmeng had indeed personally interacted with Li Junyu at the beginning, but that was a long time ago. Now she and Li Junyu have been broken for a long time. Why did Shen Lan come to the door to say this at this time?

Chen Qingzhi was puzzled in her heart, but her face remained calm.

She replied coldly: "What you said is so funny, Li Yaoyang believe it or not, Li Jun Yu believe it or not, everyone else in the Li family must wait for them to hear what you and the old lady have done before they can decide."

"Don't you say that our family Mengmeng is with Li Junyu? That's right, I asked Mengmeng to tell Li Junyu what happened then. Since they are together, Li Junyu should always believe Mengmeng's words."

In fact, Chen Qingzhi didn't even know that Ruan Mengmeng was being 'entangled' by Li Junyu.

She said this because she was so angry.

But in hearing Lan Lan's ears, it just became a threat.

Wow, she knew that Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu were not at ease.

She even speculated that Chen Qingzhi would already know the reason for Li Yaoyang's divorce.

Will Chen Qingzhi take the opportunity of Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu to clarify the events of that year with Li Junyu?

If that's the case, would she ... would the video she had deliberately revealed be taken apart by Chen Qingzhi?

After all, Chen Qingzhi has been fighting with Shen Lan for many years. She is keenly aware that there are thousands of emotions flowing through Shen Lan's eyes.

Especially Shen Lan's complexion was guilty of guilty conscience.

What is Shen Lan's guilty conscience?

What to worry about?

Chen Qingzhi felt that something was flashing in his mind.

Flashing fast, so fast that she wanted to catch but couldn't catch it.

At this time, Shen Lan finally adjusted her mood and prepared to use another set of methods to deal with Chen Qingzhi: "Forget it, I won't fight Tai Chi with you. After all, we were tadpoles, and I can open my door and tell you I don't hide from you. The fact that I came to you today is actually the old lady's idea.

You know the old lady, she doesn't care about your daughter at all. Your daughter has been entangled with our prince recently. The old lady hopes that your ex-in-law can discipline her daughter and not teach her all the seductive methods to use in our prince's hands.

The old lady said, knowing that after you divorced your uncle, a woman had a hard time with her child. She's not iron-hearted either, so let me give you this. "

After Shen Lan said it, she took out a check and handed it to Chen Qingzhi directly.

She wanted to understand that since intimidation was not possible, she was tempted.

Isn't it money? They are not lacking.

"Well, take it. This is a check of 100 million, enough for your family to eat delicious and spicy in the future. You should know that Ruan Mengmeng cannot marry our royal monarch. You let her haunt royal monarch Is n’t it for money. Now it ’s for you, and you will keep your daughter away from our family. ”

Check, a check worth 100 million.

When the cheque, which seemed to be scattered with golden light, appeared in front of Chen Qingzhi, her eye-catching beauty shuddered.

This is the smell of money.

In Chen Qingzhi's cognition, only money and power are always the most reliable and useful, and will never betray her.

And now, the money she used to care about was right in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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