Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1273: Second **** scene

Chapter 1273: The Second Bed Scene

The old lady sipped a 'boy' and heard Chen Qingzhi's head hurt.

Just like Li Junyu ... Well, how can looks and body be related to 'boys'?


When did Mengmeng be with Li Junyu again?

Li Junyu had hurt her daughter so badly at the beginning. Like his ruthless father, Chen Qingzhi didn't like him at all.

She thought to herself, she must find a time to ask Mengmeng clearly, and she cannot be deceived by Li Junyu's sweet words.

I also thought of Shen Lan's frightened look just now, I always felt that Shen Lan suddenly came to find herself, and could not be separated from the original incident.

Is there any loophole in Li's family?

Would she like to take this opportunity to let Mengmeng stay away from Li Junyu for the time being, and then ask about the events of that year, maybe she can know the clues about those things.

Chen Qingzhi's anxiety about grabbing his heart and lungs, can't wait to grab Ruan Mengmeng and ask him now.

Unfortunately, Ruan Mengmeng's itinerary is fully booked these days.

I will be filming in the crew today and tomorrow, I will go to the presidential palace to receive commendation.

Even if Chen Qingzhi was anxious, she didn't dare to disturb her before she went to the presidential palace.

On the other side, Ruan Mengmeng, who filmed the bed scene with Li Junyu for the second time, was numb.

This time, she was sitting on the bed, wearing an ancient moon-white skirt, and turned off the radio microphone.

"Li Junyu, you tell me honestly, is Xiu Yu still intimidated by your intimidation? Otherwise, how could he have a stomachache every time he filmed a bed scene!"

How can there be such a coincidence? Ruan Mengmeng didn't believe it.

"No, Mengmeng, why do you look at me like this, I never intimidate and lure." He would only, expressly.

As for Xiu Yu's obedient 'Sick Leave', that has nothing to do with him.

The man's voice was low and magnetic, and his narrow, dark eyes were tightly attached to the girl's long white neck.

For the drama later, the director said that it was necessary to feature Jun Wuxie's biting on Qin Xin's neck.

He is looking forward to it.

Ruan Mengmeng was unmasked by Li Junyu's unscrupulous eyes, and she could see a miss in her heart.

She swallowed her throat subconsciously. "You ... you were too much last time. This time it must not be like the last time."

"Okay," the man answered.

"Don't come true, don't take advantage of me, learn to borrow!"

"Um." The man still agreed.

"Really?" He agreed so easily, Ruan Mengmeng didn't believe it.

"Really." Li Junyu said earnestly and earnestly.

As soon as the words fell, I saw Director Andre with a horn come quickly.

"Meng Meng, later you remember to lift your chin up and expose your neck. I want to focus on the close-up of Jun Wuxie's choking and sucking kiss from Qin Xin's neck to the collarbone."

"Li Shao, don't need to borrow a bit later, this episode is a great progress in the relationship between Jun Wuxie and Qin Xin, it must be realistic and fully invested!"

After the director said, he took the loudspeaker to urge others.

Ruan Mengmeng was left, staring at director Andre, and he was too late to restore the director.

The man looked down, and there was joy hidden in the dark, deep eyes: "Meng Meng ... you heard it, not that I was unwilling to cooperate, it was the request of the master. The master said, be realistic and fully involved. You know, I Like you, I will definitely complete the explanation of the master. "

After that, with a ‘ACTION’, the tape started to rotate and the bed scene began to shoot.

Jun Wuxie was in a dark red robe, and the black hair bundled in the day was pulled out of his bun and poured down.

Dark red and ink, intertwined into the most weird and strange.

And Jun Wuxie leaned over and overwhelmed the petite Qin heart on the big bed, and took off the wide robe, and the man's tall and slender body was revealed.

This night is still long ...

(End of this chapter)

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