Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1278: When Mr. President saw Ruan Mengmeng's face

Chapter 1278 When Mr. President Sees Ruan Mengmeng's Face

The generous and powerful hand was patted on the shoulder, and the feeling of affirmation almost let Ruan Mengmeng's breath be taken away by the feeling of choking.

But she understood that she couldn't stop crying at this time, and couldn't end like that.

This was an opportunity that was hard to come by.

After she thanked Mr. President for bowing, she should step down.

If she does not seize this opportunity, she will not have a chance to face her grandfather at such a close distance after stepping down.

If you don't want to go on like this, at least let her have a look, and look at her grandpa.

At least let him know what kind of person he is.

"Thank you Mr. President." The girl came in a crying voice. She gritted her teeth and bowed according to the procedure.

Just as the President Zhan was about to reach out and help her, the girl suddenly raised her eyes.

The eyes of the old and the young just cross in the air.

Ruan Mengmeng's white, delicate, tear-stained face was exposed to the spotlight on the podium.

"You ..." President Zhan Kai's eyes were always sober and cold, and he stroked a shock of light and shadow.

This face, these eyes, these red eyes and nose, but want to bite the lips.

This ... This is Wen Jin, this is his dead wife Wen Jin!

The girl did not know President Zhan Kai's turbulent mood and finally made an impression in Grandpa's heart as she wished.

Even if it's just a fleeting impression, even a busy person like the president might say that she forgot when she came out of the door.

But even for a moment, she was satisfied.

The girl took a deep breath and bowed again to President Zhan Kai who deliberately suppressed his eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. President, for your encouragement. I must live up to your expectations!"

‘Grandpa, I hope you are healthy and everything goes well…’ The girl lowered her head and said silently in her heart.

After doing all of this, she raised her head again, and her back ruffled straight at President Zhan Kai, revealing the sweetest smile.

She wanted to leave the best picture in the eyes of Grandpa.

The girl's smile was touching and infectious, with tears on her face, hanging on her thick curled eyelashes.

When she smiled sweetly, the crystal tears also trembled due to eyelashes.

Seeing the girl with a sweet smile, but tears rolling down, President Zhan Kai's deep-seated black eyes became more and more unsightly.

Ruan Mengmeng has been delaying a lot of time on the stage, and there is a small urgency behind him.

She quickly thanked Mr. President again, and then quickly walked off the stage in accordance with the route told by the reception officer.

President Zhan Kai, standing under the spotlight and numerous cameras, still played very well.

He did not chase down and did not show any unusual performance. He started his concluding speech in front of many news media and camera lenses.


On the other side, the girl has been guided to the backstage by the receptionist.

"Ms. Ruan Mengmeng, I will also arrange a visit to the Presidential Palace and volunteer to participate. Would you like to continue or go home to rest?" The receptionist saw that her condition was not good, and asked politely and politely.

"Thank you, I'm really uncomfortable, so I won't participate in the following activities." The girl said dullly.

She covered her heart and felt very boring. She needed to go back to sleep well to make herself forget the urge to rush up and hug her grandpa.

"Okay, then please follow me." The receptionist was very polite to lead the way for the girl.

Just as Ruan Mengmeng followed him, he was about to step out of the auditorium door, and a hurried figure prevented them from leaving.

"Ms. Ruan Mengmeng, please stay away. Mr. President said that he would like to meet with you alone, and would like to wait for a while in the guest room of the Western Conference. Mr. President will come after the media interview."

[More than 10, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

Ou Yan ~ Please ask for a ticket, you can use a monthly ticket recommendation ~ What? Baby ~

Baby today, but two books together, 15,000 people wrote! !! !! I feel like I'm going to explode, but great ~

(End of this chapter)

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