Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1289: Suspected reconciliation

Chapter 1289: Suspected Reconciliation

"Li Junyu you shameless!"

Ruan Mengmeng was finally kissed until her mouth was red and swollen, panting.

It is true that Li Junyu was promised not to divorce for the time being, and he was let go.

As soon as she was free, the girl climbed to the window of the car, grabbed the pillow on the leather seat, and threw it away from the man's handsome face.

And Li Junyu, who was ‘true face 'by the girl, not only was not angry, but took down the pillow and reached out and rubbed Ruan Mengmeng ’s head.

The man chuckled: "Meng Meng, you are so cute looking angry."

Ruan Mengmeng was almost angry: "You ... you are shameless."

"Well, I'm shameless, but as long as I can be with you, I can be even more shameless."

My second Olympics, this is still the cold, the young Master Li who only squeezes word by word.

The driver driving in the front row, Lao Li, could n’t help but meditate in his heart: ‘I ca n’t hear anything, I ca n’t hear anything ...’

Anyway, in the end, when the car stopped downstairs in Zijing District, Ruan Mengmeng just felt like Taishan was about to collapse at the bottom of her heart, and it all disappeared.

She is now full of suspicion of the tyrant adult around her.

Obviously she didn't agree with the so-called 'reconciliation' at all, but Li Junyu seemed to have reconciled with her, stubbornly and arrogantly took her back from the window and circled her in her arms.

Along the way, as long as she mentions a 'divorce', Li Junyu kisses her.

Just to mention that they were so close, they had broken up, and he kissed her again.

In the end, no matter what Ruan Mengmeng said, as long as she showed a contemptuous idea not to Li Junyu, to be separated from him.

Her mouth will be blocked by someone's thinned lips and kissed hard.

This time, Ruan Mengmeng can feel that what is called speaking is wrong, breathing is wrong.

She found that if she tossed anything, her mouth would be pinched.

When the car stopped, the young girl's delicate lips were already red and swollen, which was obviously the trace of the kiss just now.

"Need me to accompany you up?" The man whispered, rubbing the girl's swollen lips lightly.

He knew very well that Ruan Mengmeng was hiding something.

Kissing her is rogue, but isn't it trying to change her mood.

The young girl who was crying from the presidential palace must have hidden a lot of pressure in her heart.

The pressure was so great that her emotions almost collapsed, so much that she could cry with herself, and couldn't say a word.

Li Junyu wanted to share the burden for his girl, but did not dare to press too tightly, so he could only guard him.

Even, in this almost rogue way.

"No, I'm much better ... This is my family affair, and I will face it myself." Ruan Mengmeng's sorrow and sadness had long been lied by Li Junyu than a strong kiss.

She has calmed down now and just wants to talk to her mother.

Because it is Chen Qingzhi's innocence, Ruan Mengmeng is reluctant to say more, but just finds a reason to pretend.

But this remark was heard in Li Junyu's ear, but it had another meaning.

The man's big hand gently touched the little girl's smooth face, and said seriously: "Meng Meng, don't forget that you promised me. We are husband and wife, your housework is also my housework, I am your family."

I want to be her dependant and help her solve her problems.

Li Junyu's firm and deep eyes fixed on the girl's face.

"..." However Ruan Mengmeng did not answer to Li Junyu.

She took a meaningful look at Li Junyu and pulled the door. "Those, say it later. I'm going up. Thank you for bringing me back."

After speaking, the girl ran away from the car, kept running into the corridor and disappeared.

Sure enough, she still didn't touch her ...

Watching the disappearance of the girl, Li Junyu rubbed his eyebrows tiredly and instructed the driver to drive.

When the car drove downstairs to the company, sitting in the back seat and closing his eyes, Li Junyu suddenly found something wrong.

His Mengmeng, after he said that, he only said ‘speak later’.

But he did not correct what he said, ‘He ’s also her family’.

In other words, did the girl agree with him?

Agree with that sentence-‘They are still husband and wife, and her family is his family, and he is her family’? !!

[Beyond 1200 words: Try to go before 23:10 in the next chapter]

Do you think this is a reconciliation? Can you understand Meng Meng's mood ...

(End of this chapter)

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