Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1292: That year (1)

Chapter 1292: That Year (1)

Ruan Mengmeng hugged Chen Qingzhi tightly and comforted gently.

While comforting, she intermittently told those words hidden in her heart to Chen Qingzhi.

Chen Qingzhi's emotions gradually precipitated from the initial fear and terror.

The pair of beautiful eyes, always capable of catching their souls, looked at them slightly, as if sinking into some kind of memories.

"I only know one of these things, mom ... I know these things are painful memories for you, but ... if I can, I want to know the truth of that year. I am your daughter, no matter what happened , I will always stand by your side. Grandpa said that Zhan Yang forced you at the beginning, but he did n’t know the specific process. I ca n’t help but ... ”

"Wait!" Chen Qingzhi, who hadn't said a word in his eyes, suddenly interrupted his head and interrupted Ruan Mengmeng's words.

"You say grandpa, what grandpa? Where's grandpa?"

"You ... Really don't know?" Ruan Mengmeng thought that Chen Qingzhi had to be discovered by her before she pretended not to know.

"Zhan Kaizhan President, he is Zhanyang's father, that is ... I ... Grandpa." The girl was a little guilty.

She felt distressed at fighting the president and was lonely, and recognized the president in advance because of her intimacy.

But Ruan Mengmeng didn't know what kind of warriors existed in Chen Qing's heart.

Mom must hate the warring family. She may not accept the president at all, so she pretended not to know her.

"President Zhan Kai is Zhan Yang's father, your grandfather?" However, Chen Qingzhi's reaction was completely unexpected by Ruan Mengmeng.

Her eyes were wide open now, showing a bit of shock.

Then he suddenly laughed, and smiled helplessly: "It turned out that he was the president of the war ... it turned out to be him ... no wonder, no wonder ..."

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me ... if you don't like it, I can cut off contact with the President of the War." Ruan Mengmeng was frightened by Chen Qingzhi's response.

"Great, great ... It turned out that for so many years, my suffering was not worthless. Meng Meng ... It turns out that you are the granddaughter of the president of the war ... ha, ha ha, ha ha ha ... you are the president of the war granddaughter!"

Chen Qingzhi cried and laughed, laughing and crying, describing madness.

Her prosperous beauty was almost completely distorted, her eyes filled with resentment, and the rest of her life as if she suddenly hugged driftwood after falling into the sea.

"I thought I was unlucky in my life. It turned out not to be the case. I can still give birth to the president's granddaughter ... Meng Meng, you don't need to care about your mother and you shouldn't sever relations with the warring family. You are the grandson of the warring family, and you are President Zhan Kai Granddaughter, no one can bully you in the future! "

Chen Qingzhi's eyes filled with tears gradually became firm from the blurry and empty.

She looked at Ruan Mengmeng and finally turned into Chen Qingzhi, who was elegant and noble.

"Listen to me, Meng Meng ... you have to remember that in this world, regardless of whether they are Ruan's family or warring family, each of them owes us. Oh, there is a Duan family ... Don't you want to hear the story of your mother? All right, mother tells you now ... "

Chen Qingzhi's voice shouted.

She murmured a tragedy about her life.


Twenty years ago, Chen Qingzhi married Ruan Zhaotian.

At that time, she was young and beautiful, shocked by heaven, and when she was brought out for entertainment by Ruan Zhaotian, it almost attracted the attention of the male guests and the female guests were jealous.

It's not too much to say that it looks like Tianxian.

However, the beauties are fragile, and beauties such as duckweed, especially those who have no status and status, can meet resistance and how can they resist.

That year, it was the most popular high-profile Duan family who likes to hold banquets, and they promulgated invitations for the ball.

According to Ruan's status and ability at that time, even the Duan family's door could not enter at all.

But strangely, Ruan Jiaran received a invitation to the party of the prom.

[Before 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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