Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1296: Everyone owes her (1)

Chapter 1296: Everyone Owes Her (1)

Ruan Zhaotian actually wants to push her to the Duan family! !! !!

When Chen Qingzhi heard Ruan Zhaotian's request at that moment, he was scared and pale.

She vehemently opposed and said nothing.

But Ruan Zhaotian didn't know about Chen Qingzhi's thoughts. He only thought that Chen Qingzhi couldn't pull down his son, and refused to put down the face of a rich wife to help himself.

There was a dispute between the two, and Ruan Zhaotian was distressed. He couldn't just watch the property passed to him by Master Ruan.

In the dispute, Chen Qingzhi finally couldn't sustain it. When she was emotional, she accidentally told the original truth.

She cried and told the truth of that night. She told Ruan Zhaotian that a man with the word "yang" in his name had stained her.

Suddenly heard what Chen Qingzhi said, Ruan Zhaotian was hit hard and his face fell suddenly on the sofa.

But after a while, he suddenly caught the driftwood like a person falling into the water, and smiled for the rest of his life.

"The Duan family is ashamed of us, the Duan family is ashamed of us ... This is a good opportunity, Qingzhi, this is a good opportunity for us! Ruan's rescued Ruan's rescued!"

At that moment, when Chen Qingzhi heard Ruan Zhaotian's words, she could hardly believe her ears.

But Ruan Zhaotian fell into his own imagination. He even excused Duan's family, thinking that Mrs. Duan liked Chen Qingzhi so much that it was impossible for her to premise.

‘Maybe the man was drunk that night, and he knew the wrong person. A family history like the Duan family must not let this scandal spread. ’

‘If you look at it for so many years, the Duan family did n’t come to the door or do anything to us. It can be seen that the Duan family had long forgotten about it. ’

‘Do n’t think too much. The Duan family is ashamed of you. If Ruan ca n’t get through this time, it ’s really over. Qingzhi, go ... please go ... please, the old lady will not refuse you in this case, if Ruan is really bankrupt, will you go with me to live a life of exile in the future? !! ’

In order to persuade Chen Qingzhi, Ruan Zhaotian can almost be said to be both hard and soft, to use affection and to force a threat.

In the past, Ruan Zhaotian was not like this, no ...

Chen Qingzhi remembers that when their husband and wife were loving, Ruan Zhaotian never treated her like this.

She didn't know where the difference was, but she had no choice but to reveal the truth of that night.

Perhaps her husband's guess is right ...

She married a woman when she graduated from college, and has never entered a society who knows nothing about women.

In the end, Chen Qingzhi was convinced by Ruan Zhaotian.

When Ruan Zhaotian called Duanjia Manor in the name of Chen Qing.

The man who could be called a demon, in Chen Qingzhi's life, slowly revealed his true colors.


Ruan Zhaotian expected it well.

Because of the events of that year, the Duan family really promised to help Ruan.

The condition is that Chen Qingzhi must stay and stay in Duanjia Manor until the noble pregnant woman gives birth to her child six months later.

That's right, the pregnant woman whom Chen Qingzhi met many years ago, she is pregnant again.

This time, her stomach was not very obvious.

Ruan Zhaotian and Chen Qingzhi did not know her identity until then.

She is the jewel of the old Mrs. Duan family, the youngest daughter of the Duan family, and the most favored daughter, Duan Xiuhui.

In front of Ruan Zhaotian, Duan Xiuhui told Chen Qingzhi unabashedly: "You don't need to know my husband's name and you are not qualified to know. You only need to know to serve him well so that he will not be seduced by other women during my pregnancy. That's enough. Remember, the less you know, the easier it is to save your life. If you dare to think of something you shouldn't have, not just the Ruan family ... even the Chen family, I can pinch to death. "

[Before 22:10 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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