Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1305: weirdo

Chapter 1305 Strange Person

Looking at the lonely back of President Zhan, Ruan Mengmeng's guilt was deeper.

But she did not regret it. Grandpa was lonely. She could accompany him more, but the surname's return to war seemed to make the man who hurt Chen Qingzhi proud.

She didn't want to fight at all, and didn't want to admit that she was the daughter of that person.

Even if she does not inherit the warring industry and cannot sit in the presidency, she does not feel sorry.

"Meng Meng ... Thank you." Chen Qingzhi's weak voice came from the side.

This time, this beautiful woman, who has always paid attention to her best interests and was unwilling to let go of her power, has rarely stood by Ruan Mengmeng.

Because she knew that Ruan Mengmeng was doing everything for her.

The mother and daughter had a long talk before coming.

For her daughter's humiliation and grievances, even the top family like the warring family would not recognise it.

She Chen Qingzhi, what's the stand to talk to her daughter about power and status?

Chen Qingzhi, who has been betrayed countless times, released his hands by countless trusted people, and fell into the abyss, has lost confidence in humanity in the long darkness.

Ruan Mengmeng found the power to re-believe.

Although her daughter was soft and petite, Chen Qingzhi saw great power in her.

Ruan Mengmeng may be weak now, but Chen Qingzhi believes her daughter's promise to her.

She knew that what Mengmeng had said would come true, and she was willing to believe ...

"Hmm ..." The polite knocking came from outside the parlor.

"Ms. Ruan, Ms. Chen, this is Mr. Jiang Yiming, the social secretary of the President. Mr. President has ordered me to take you out, please come with me." Outside the door.

Ruan Mengmeng saw this and knew that Grandpa might be overly sad and needed to be alone.

She didn't bother, leaving Chen Qingzhi together.

The social secretary seemed to be at least 50 years old. He took Ruan Mengmeng and Chen Qingzhi out, but his eyes turned to Chen Qingzhi and Ruan Mengmeng from time to time.

Even at this age, Chen Qingzhi is still beautiful.

It's not unusual for a man to look at her.

But the social secretary's look at her eyes was obviously not appreciative, but rather strange.

Ruan Mengmeng, of course, is unwilling to see if someone else peeks at Chen Qingzhi with this inquiring look, and scans to herself.

She stood in front of Chen Qing without a trace, and reminded, "Secretary Jiang, there are many stones on the road ahead, watch the road."

If you change someone else, you will be embarrassed not to be embarrassed if you are "hit" by Ruan Mengmeng.

However, this Jiang Yiming was very strange. Instead of having a sense of intimidation, he continued to glance at the faces of Chen Qingzhi and Ruan Mengmeng.

She even asked directly, "Ms. Chen, are you and Ms. Ruan mother and daughter? Ms. Ruan looks like you, or looks like her father? Don't get me wrong, I just think you both look so good, but that The beauty is completely different. So I was a little curious whether Miss Ruan's father was just as handsome and handsome in order to have such a beautiful daughter. "


It's also rude!

Chen Qingzhi never expected that such inexplicable people would be 'harassed' in the dignified presidential palace.

She felt offended and took Ruan Mengmeng's hand without answering this person's inexplicable question, and quickly walked out of the presidential palace.

And the one who was left, the secretary named Jiang Yiming, was not surprised at all.

Like, much like ...

Before, why didn't he think that this little girl named Ruan Mengmeng looked like the owner.

But now, he suspects that their previous investigations made mistakes.

[Before 0 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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