Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1314: Active kiss

Chapter 1314 Active Kiss

Ruan Mengmeng changed clothes and came out to follow Li Junyu to Yutang for dinner.

The girl was hungry, and the two entered the private room to take their seats, and the manager respectfully took the menu and entered.

He knew Ruan Mengmeng. Ruan Mengmeng had just met Li Junyu Shi and made a lot of wind and rain in Yutang. The manager still remembers that he had little protection for Ruan Mengmeng at that time.

I haven't seen Ruan Mengmeng much in the past six months. I only learned on TV some time ago that it turned out that Ms. Ruan had already entered the entertainment industry as a star.

And this star is not an ordinary star, or the kind that will save people. At that time, the manager felt that their sparse eyes were really different.

No wonder it had to be so pampered, it wasn't a baby.

"Li Shao, what do you use?" The manager asked the menu respectfully.

Li Junyu glanced down and looked at the girl next to him: "What do you want to eat?"

The girl who was still hungry just now was looking down at her bag while looking down.

Li Junyu noticed long ago, Ruan Mengmeng took off her makeup and put on her clothes, and she was carrying a large schoolbag.

He began to think that things were stuffed inside, but now he found that it didn't seem to be.

The girl looked down and looked up, without even raising her eyes: "Spicy, not spicy."

Every time she came to Yutang to eat with Li Junyu, she ate all kinds of expensive and indifferent dishes.

Li Junyu had a light taste. At that time, she was a little pitiful under the fence, and she did not dare to comment.

Hearing Ruan Mengmeng's words, the manager immediately showed a restless expression.

Li Shao does n’t eat spicy food. No one at the top or bottom of Yu Tang knows it.

However, Li Junyu raised his hand, coldly preventing Jing Yi from saying.

"Arrange as Mengmeng meant."


Okay, okay, he knows Ms. Ruan.

Li Shao was willing to spoil Miss Ruan. He didn't say anything. He had nothing to say.

The manager went down immediately to arrange.

As soon as he left, Ruan Mengmeng suddenly dragged his seat and sat next to Li Junyu, next to him.

The man frowned: "What, cold?"

Li Junyu thought that the girl was cold and wanted to rely on him for heating.

His wide and slender hands had moved towards the girl's shoulders.

"No, I want to ask you a question." Ruan Mengmeng had already pulled out a stack of folders from her schoolbag while talking.

There were at least twenty folders, no wonder she would be stuffed in her schoolbag, which was originally filled with these things.

The girl pulled out a folder she had prepared, and naturally leaned into Li Junyu's arms: "Look at this, do you think this company is suitable for investment?"

She moved naturally, her face raised naturally, and he was close to him.

There seems to be no gap or strangeness in the relationship between the two.

It seems like back to before their breakup, the separation for the past six months seems to be a dream.

Li Junyu's deep black eyes flashed with complex emotions.

He knew he should ask clearly, but he didn't want to speak at this time to break the intimate atmosphere.

"How about, is there any problem?" The girl urged softly.

Li Junyu had to look down and swipe quickly.

He calmly said, "This company has good prospects, but at first glance there are still some hidden dangers. Their asset-liability ratio ..."

"Wait a minute." Ruan Mengmeng suddenly interrupted Li Junyu.

Then, he stretched out his arm, actively wrapped around the tyrant's neck, and kissed the delicate and delicate lips with the **** thin lips.

[Around 22 o'clock in the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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