Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1324: A girly new company is officially established

Chapter 1324: A Girlish New Company Formally Formed

Because of this, Ruan Mengmeng became more suspicious of the social secretary.

Think of him as the social secretary of the grandfather of the president, and often stay with the grandfather of the president.

Ruan Mengmeng was afraid that this man had any special thoughts. When he passed the presidential palace last time, he quietly told his internal clerk about his doubts and asked him to pay attention.

"Oh, you are talking about Secretary Jiang. The time was too rushed last time. I ca n’t tell you clearly. Secretary Jiang ’s full name is Jiang Yiming, an old man retired from the military. He is the confidant of General Zhou, who is in the military. The battle was so successful that he could only be retired after being injured. Mr. President used to have an affair with General Zhou in the military department. General Zhou regretted his talents and sought personal favors from Mr. President. Jiang Yiming wanted to be placed in the president. Government office.

Mr. President's character, naturally, will not be loved by others. However, after checking Jiang Yiming's resume, he found that his outstanding ability was indeed a personal talent, which left him. It is estimated that he has been with Mr. President for almost ten years. "

Speaking of which, the inner waiter raised his eyes and looked at Ruan Mengmeng in the back seat through the rearview mirror in the car.

He frowned slightly, and asked cautiously: "Ms. Mengmeng, can you be sure that Secretary Jiang has a problem? He has not only been with Mr. President for a short time, but also a person recommended by General Zhou, and he hastily doubted him. If in the future Known by General Zhou, you may think that the people in the presidential palace are playing on the topic. "

Although Ruan Mengmeng does not understand politics, he can probably understand his concerns when he hears the words of the internal servant.


"Who is this old general? It sounds like he seems important?"

"Oh, the full name of General Zhou is Zhou Zhengji, a former army commander. He is a comrade-in-arms with the President of the War, and once saved his wounded President on the battlefield. Not only that, they have been politically consistent for so many years. Here, General Zhou has always stood behind the President of the War to support him. It can be said that he is the closest comrade in arms.

Therefore, if we rashly suspect and investigate the people recommended by General Chou, and let the political opponents of the old president seize the handles in the future, and use the topic to develop or even divorce the relationship between Mr. President and General Chou, it is likely to adversely affect the president. "

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

The girl was silent.

It turns out that behind a social secretary, there are so many relationships involved, and it is no wonder that politics is the trickiest and most complicated.

With her personality, she must have checked directly.

But it's about grandpa ...

correct! Suddenly the girl's lowered eyes lit up again.

The presidential palace is not convenient to check, it does not mean that it is not easy for others to check.

Now that I feel that Jiang Yiming is not right, I can't let the grandfather's person check it, let others check it.

At that time, if that Jiang Yiming is really okay, it's just that she thinks too much, and it has nothing to do with the Presidential Palace.

After Ruan Mengmeng had made up her mind, she let the internal servants ignore the matter for the time being, let alone tell the grandfather to the president.


In the next few days, Ruan Mengmeng is busier than a while ago.

Not only do you have to shoot the last few fights of Jian Dan Qin Xin, you also have to take the time to research various company financial reports, learn finance and financial knowledge, and have a meeting with her professional lawyer that her grandfather found for her.

Ruan Mengmeng was also very fulfilling in her busy life. She registered a new company herself and named it Shimeng Group.

Such a company name is really super girlish and has no momentum, and it can't be compared with other large consortia and large groups that have rich assets and outstanding strength upon hearing.

After hearing this name, Chen Qingzhi said that she was foolish. Who could use such a cute and dreamy name.

But Ruan Mengmeng had to register the company as this name because she had to commemorate her sister.

[As far as possible before 21:10 in the next chapter]

Saved manuscripts ~ keep writing ~ wait a minute

(End of this chapter)

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