Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1349: The person who hurt you is not Ruan Mengmeng, but ...

Chapter 1349: The One Who Hurt You Is Not Ruan Mengmeng, but ...

Qin Fang looked down at Ruan Xueqin, she really hated the stupid women in Ruan's family.

Now, even if she tore her face with Ruan's family, she will leave here.

So, in order to keep singing the bitter drama, Ruan Xueqin, who was thinking about home and everything, was completely disheartened.

Qin Fang didn't even hesitate to tell the secret that had been buried in his heart for many years.

"To tell you the truth, Ruan Xueqin ... the child you were pregnant with wasn't killed by Ruan Mengmeng at all. Ruan Mengmeng was so young then, how could she know that there was a problem with the soup?"

"What, what are you talking about !?" Ruan Xueqin opened her eyes wide and looked at Qin Fang in disbelief.

Even Old Lady Ruan and Ruan Zhaotian were shocked.

"I said, your child was not killed by Ruan Mengmeng, you have always hated the wrong person. You are really stupid, wrong to treat the enemy as a benefactor ... Oh, that bowl of soup was my medicine."

When talking about the past, Qin Fang didn't owe anything in the least. On the contrary, he also spoke carefully while admiring the nail art he had just made.

It's so beautiful, Hong Yanyan, just like her today.

Ruan Xueqin opened her mouth silently, eyes wide, and hoarse: "You ... you took the medicine in the soup, no, it's impossible ... why did you do that, you didn't justify me ..."

Even if Qin Fang spoke the truth, Ruan Xueqin was unbelieving at this moment.

Many years ago, after divorcing her first husband, Matagawa, she had a second marriage.

The partner of the second marriage was also divorced, or the eldest son of a wealthy family.

After Ruan Xueqin got married, she soon became pregnant.

However, when he returned to the Ruan family to visit his relatives, he accidentally drank Ruan Mengmeng's soup, and the child ran away.

Not only that, she even became infertile and lost the ability to have children.

Because of this, she divorced her second husband and has never married again since then, staying at Ruan's house.

"Why, huh ... Of course, because I did n’t have a foothold in Ruan's house at that time, I needed help. You are so stupid, everything is on my side, and this incident, not only can make you hate Ruan Mengmeng even more, You can also stay at the Ruan's house to help me. If you give birth to a child and establish a foothold in that giant, then I will not be alone in the Ruan's house. "

When Qin Fang said these things, he took it for granted that he was not guilty.

She is now Zhou Zhengji's person. She gave birth to a child and a daughter for General Zhou. In her eyes, Ruan's family is like ants, and she is not worthy of being compared with her.

Because of this, anyway, she has taken the matter of Ruan Zhaotian's derailment into marriage today, so she is not afraid to let out the anger that she has suffered in Ruan's family for so many years, and she is not afraid to tear her face with Ruan's family.

"You ... you just for this?" Ruan Xueqin lived for so many years, this is the first time to hear the reason for a miscarriage, it is so lightweight.

"You, just to let me help you, will cause me to have a miscarriage? Qin Fang, do you have any intention, my Ruan Xueqin has been standing by your side since you did not marry the Ruan family, and even helped you Open Chen Qingzhi and let you climb my brother's bed, how can you do this to me! "

Ruan Xueqin has never regretted it like this for a moment.

She rushed towards Qin Fang with red eyes, anxious to die with the woman.

Unfortunately, the people sent to Qin Fang by Zhou Zhengji stopped him.

Today's Ruan family wants to touch Qin Fang.

Qin Fang was sitting on the sofa.

"Why did I treat you? I just gave you a bowl of soup. Blame yourself for being stupid. You can't even keep a child, unlike me ... you have two children! Children have two!"

[Before 21:00 of the next chapter]

(End of this chapter)

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