Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1360: Truth Burst (1)

Chapter 1360: The Truth Bursts (1)

Li Yan: "Miss Er, you don't need to thank me ... All of this was originally the punishment I deserved. Twenty-one years ago, I couldn't help doing this, although it was to give vent to my wife, and to teach this negative heart Han, why am I not for the hatred in my heart.

I did it, but I did n’t dare admit it, I was afraid of being discovered by the police, and I was afraid to expose it. For so many years, I can only tell myself that at least this lesson can teach this disappointing man, let him raise children for others, and watch him break off his grandchildren. But in the end, I was just because of timidity and fear, and I dare not tell the truth until today.

Miss II, I'm tired. I kept this secret in my heart for more than 20 years. I don't want to hide it anymore. I did something wrong with Zhang Li myself, and I would admit it. Just now, before I came in, I had called the police station and surrendered. "

Speaking of which, Li Yan raised his eyes and looked at Mrs. Ruan, who was still obsessed.

"Old lady, you said that I took advantage of Miss Two before I lied for her. Then I call myself and go to the police to explain the events of the year. Do you still think I am lying?

You also know that I sent my parents away long ago, my husband ran away and my son went, and I haven't remarried for so many years. I'll be alone, Miss II will give me benefits, then I have to spend somewhere. You tell me, how much benefit does Miss Er have to give me before I can spend the money she gave in the detention center? "

Li Yan's words were simply too sharp and sharp.

Sharp to Mrs. Ruan, she didn't know how to answer.


Why would Li Li dare to call the police if she lied or cheated?

When the police came, Li Li turned herself in and everything could be found out.

Originally, she did not have to surrender at all. This matter had passed for so many years. She did not say that no one knew and had no evidence.

Just for Ruan Mengmeng, why did she do that?

No need, no need at all, Mrs. Ruan's cloudy eyes kept trembling, and suddenly—

She raised her head stupidly, and her chaotic gaze turned to Qin Fang, looking at the bright face.

"It's you, slut! It must be you! It's your stealing outside that will make my good grandson into someone else's child! No, not only that, but it's not because of this **** you seduced, Li Li How could you poison Zhaotian! You shameless bitch, what's wrong with our Ruan family, why are you doing this! "

Old Ruan was completely crazy.

He jumped up like crazy, trying to fight with Qin Fang.

At this moment, even if stubborn and selfish like Li Yinan, he understood the problems.

Li Xun surrendered himself and wanted to reveal the truth.

She has no injustice with the Ruan family. If it was not true, as she said, she was condemned day and night, she would not need to tell the truth.

In this truth, Ruan Zhaotian's infertility.

If you ca n’t have children, you ca n’t have children. So first rely on pregnant with Ruan Jiaojiao to succeed, and then rely on Ruan Mingyu to win Qin Fang ’s family business. Where does her child come from! ?

"Well, it's your son who is derailed. Your son should lose money to my daughter! Why should you scold our family Fangfang, you old lady, please walk away for me, don't touch my daughter!"

Cao Meifeng also reacted at this time.

She is not a vegetarian. She scolds and quarrels. She is better than the old lady Ruan who has been pampering for decades.

Although Cao Meifeng just helped her niece just now, at the critical moment of struggling for a family property, she was still clear.

Immediately, he rushed to stop Mrs. Ruan, and threw a slap on Mrs. Ruan's fierce old face.

(End of this chapter)

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