Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1362: Li Junyu will not be allowed to see Ruan Mengmeng

Chapter 1362: No Jun Li Jun Sees Ruan Mengmeng

"Xiaomei, what are you talking about ... don't talk nonsense!" At a critical time, Cao Meifeng was not a brain pumper, knowing that Qin Fang was their Cao family's trust and must not fall.

She was pushed by Mrs. Ruan just now and hurt her waist. At this time, she could only stand up with pain and wanted Cao Mei to shut up.

But Cao Mei said: "I didn't talk nonsense ... Comrade Police, I am Qin Fang's cousin, and I can prove that my cousin Qin Fang was here just now, in front of everyone. Not only I, other people also heard, you Don't believe it. "

At this time, Ruan Xueqin and Mrs. Ruan also reacted.

Ruan Xueqin immediately grabbed the police and cried, even if her hair was like Qin Fang's, and she was torn like a henhouse.

And Mrs. Ruan was exaggerated, sitting on the ground, crying and making noises.

In the past, the image of the honorable old lady was completely absent. Not only was she lamenting that Qin Fang had harmed her daughter, but also let the police manage it and comment, saying that this woman had stolen a man to give her son a green hat, and her grandchildren at home It's a wild species outside.

The police officers in this film have never visited the Ruan family several times this year.

Every time you come, you can see a farce.

They knew that Ruan's family looked bright and bright, but it was complicated inside.

Although every family has a difficult scripture, a scripture like the Ruan family is too difficult to read.

"No need to say any more, if you have to go back to the police station to talk about it. You gather and fight, causing bad effects, you all go back with us."

Several police officers approached and arrested.

This kind of thing, without very few orders, they will take people back to ask.

What's more, Li Shao specifically asked them to pay more attention to the situation of the Ruan family.

So someone reported the case to the Ruan family today, and they immediately notified Li Shao's assistant.

At this moment, Li Junyu, regardless of the chaos of others, walked towards Ruan Mengmeng alone.

When walking to the girl, the man's deep eyebrows were slightly relieved: "Meng Meng, why don't you tell me if you have to go to Ruan's house for business. People in Ruan's family are not reliable now, you come alone ..."

"Meng Meng is not alone!" A cold female voice interrupted suddenly, interrupting the tyrant.

Not only that, Ruan Mengmeng, who was standing in front of Li Junyu, was held by a small hand and blocked behind him.

Ye Lingxi, who had a thin body, stood up at this time, blocking Ruan Mengmeng.

Not only her, but even the mighty Jing Fatty, Sie Yun with a guilty conscience, red-yellow-green, Ye Hanting, Li Yifan, and others who looked intimidated, stepped forward to stop Li Junyu.

In the end, Li Junche Junxiu's face was full of struggles, and he gritted his teeth forward: "Brother, you have your life, marshmallow has a marshmallow life, she just came out, and you don't come near her again ..."

God knows how much courage it took for a beautiful boy to say these words bravely.

When he hurried to speak, his body was almost pierced by the cold eyes of his elder brother.

Not just Li Junche, there are others, they are all the same.

But the partners headed by Ye Lingxi, even if they were afraid, even if the scalp was numb, they bite the back of the alveolar stubbornly and blocked in front of Ruan Mengmeng.

They don't know what happened to the girls in the past six months.

Everything can only be guessed through various small news, based on Li Junche's observations at home.

Therefore, the ultimate supporters of these Ruan Mengmeng, the strongest friends all believe that-Master Li Family, Li Junyu, are not good people!

It was him who hurt Mengzhu and abandoned her, only to cause Mengzhu to lose the college entrance exam, lose hope for life, and have a bleak future.

If it wasn't for Ruan Mengmeng's self-improvement and standing up again, I still don't know when it will be sad and mentally secretive.

"You guys, stop me?" Li Junyu's gaze was cold, and he glanced around, finally fixed on Ruan Mengmeng's face.

She was guarded at the end, because Jing Fat's tall body covered her, and she could not see the look on her face for a moment.

"Yes, we are blocking you. You have hurt Meng Meng so much. We will never allow you to do it again ... wow ... my drip mom !!!"

Jing Fatty was so daring and angry that he was scared by the scene before him.

[Beyond 1200 words: update completed, see you at 8 tomorrow night]

It seems that I will get stuck if I break it. If I write 260 more words, it's still here. That's the only thing ~ Well, see you tomorrow ~ What? I'm tired after going to sleep, babies rest early

(End of this chapter)

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