Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1364: Li Junche, do you want to betray so fast!

Chapter 1364 Li Junche, do you want to betray so fast!

It's the young master!

Beiye, Beibei is afraid, Beibei wants to cry!

Ling Bei felt the strong coercion and chill from behind.

The chill was so close that Ling Bei could guess without looking back. At this moment, how low the air pressure was around the young master, he must want to strip himself alive ...

Oh no, it was the three masters who were stripped alive!

Although I knew that I should do everything possible to appease the young master, don't let him do the work of slapping his own brother.

But when Li Junyu's ‘Get Off’ came from behind, Ling Bei did n’t want to, and escaped at the fastest speed.

Master Three, ask for more blessings, Beibei can't save you!

As soon as Ling Bei gave way, Li Junyu and Ruan Mengmeng had no obstacles except Li Junche.

The man's dark phoenix eyes narrowed and he stepped forward, while Li Junche stepped forward at the same time, guarding Ruan Mengmen with his arms wide open.

"Brother, Marshmallow doesn't want to see you now ..."

Receiving the cold eyes of his elder brother, subconsciously, the young boy wanted to find a piece of chocolate or a lollipop.

Since these days, because of the elder brother's warning, the young boy has been trying not to find Ruan Mengmeng.

He knew in his heart that the elder brother suddenly broke up with Marshmallow and gave her up, which was a big blow to her.

Li Junche didn't dare to appear in front of Ruan Mengmeng, not only because of Li Junyu's strict words warning, but also because he felt ashamed.

It can be said that Li Junche has always regarded himself as a vegetable farmer.

Marshmallow is the cabbage he takes good care of.

His elder brother is a domestic pig he has carefully raised in captivity.

From the beginning, there was love between the two, Li Junche has been taking care of it carefully, and even helped to deal with it.

He is the youngest of the three brothers in the Li family, but he also sees it most.

Li Junche always knew that since his mother died, it was not only him and his second brother who were sick.

Even if the eldest brother is hidden deeper, the young boys can see that his eldest brother is different from others.

His elder brother does not like to be touched by others, except for his three younger brothers, he hardly communicates with others.

The only difference is Ruan Mengmeng-she is a miraculous existence.

Because of her, the elder brother laughs, is irritable, jealous, and has emotional ups and downs.

Only when faced with her, the elder brother would take care of it carefully, and even held it in his arms.

Because of this, Li Junche has always been the most determined guardian of Li Junyu and Ruan Mengmeng, and he hopes that his elder brother will find happiness.

"Brother, you let me down."

The beauty boy raised her eyes, which were as cold as glass beads, and said lightly.

"You shouldn't be closer to Mengmeng."

Then, Li Junyu did not retreat.

It was just beyond Li Junche's expectation that his elder brother did not force him to shake him away. Instead, he just stepped forward, suddenly bent over and leaned against his ear.

"Li Junche, listen ..." The man's deep, cold voice came.

Li Junyu's voice is very small, only in a voice that two people can hear.

When he was finished, the beautiful and beautiful eyes of the young boy were enlarged with thick ink spreading out.

"You, are you serious?" Mei Qingren tilted his head and looked at his elder brother.

Li Junyu nodded his head calmly, "Um."

"So, then I ..." Li Junche suddenly looked back at Ruan Mengmeng, looking at the girl with a stunned expression.

Beauty boy: "Then, then you go over and coax her ..."

After speaking, Li Junche turned again and said to Ruan Mengmeng: "Marshmallow, you too, girls can have a small temper, but don't go too far. If you have a few problems for my elder brother, hurry back with him."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..." Li Junche, do you want to betray so fast!

(End of this chapter)

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