Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1367: Both men are fighting to be nice to her

Chapter 1367: Two Men Are Fighting To Be Good To Her

The man's deep black eyes fluttered a little joy, and he chuckled: "Remember, this sentence is not mine, but you acknowledge it. Mengmeng, in your heart, you also agree that you are Mrs. Li, No one can substitute. "

"I ..." Ruan Mengmeng wanted to deny it, but suddenly realized that maybe the more she said, the easier it would be.

Li Junyu's mind is deeper than her, and she can't stop talking, she can't get around this man at all.

However, Ruan Mengmeng's temporary halt does not mean that the tyrant will do so.

He tightened his arms arrogantly, hugged the girl tighter, and said in a somewhat aggrieved tone: "I also told the third child that not only would he be an uncle, but his uncle would also take the flesh in his belly and marry him. To others. You say that, where will the third child stand, eh? "

"You big scam paper !!! These are nothing at all." Ruan Mengmeng no longer wanted to talk to Li Junyu.

Li Jun Yu Momei said slightly: "Who said no, your grandfather's" feast for husband "arranged by you will be held next month. Mengmeng, if it is not for my people's information, will it be held at the banquet? That day, I was still hidden in the drum? "

"Choose, choose a husband's banquet?" No wonder Li Junyu is like a person who changed his personality today. Ruan Mengmeng suddenly understood his domineering and strong, and she wanted to hold her to show her close relationship with the world.

The lips of the young girl were slightly raised, although she really felt powerless about the three words "choose husband feast".

"Yeah, it's the banquet arranged by my grandpa. Anyway, just like you, don't you have a fiancee? I heard that there are two more."

Having said that, the girl was stricken with her eyes this time, and when she saw Li Junyu's slight loss, she slipped from his arms and jumped away.

"Two ... who did you hear?" Li Junyu's face sank, sweeping away the ease he had when he was holding the girl.

It can be seen that if this is a fact, it has already angered him.

"Of course I heard my grandfather. My grandfather and his elders can't be mistaken. Li Junyu, you have to deal with your affairs first, and then come to control me no later."

After speaking, the girl avoided him and went straight to Lawyer Zhao.

Ruan Zhaotian and lawyer Zhao have talked enough, Ruan Mengmeng did not hesitate to measure Ruan Zhaotian's heart with the worst starting point.

Is it because everyone else has been arrested by the police, and Ruan Zhaotian deliberately dragged lawyer Zhao here to delay time?

Just before Ruan Mengmeng was approaching, Ruan Zhaotian's conversation with lawyer Zhao ended.

Attorney Zhao Hongji was talking about Ruan Zhaotian, and he was struggling to write something on the paper. When he finished, a contract that was drafted on the spot was written.

Attorney Zhao: "Ms. Mengmeng, Ruan Zhaotian has new wishes regarding the equity transfer contract. Now that I have renewed the contract, he asked me to announce it on the spot for him."

"Well, good ..." The girl nodded, but her eyes were suspicious.

She looked at Ruan Zhaotian, who was standing behind Zhao Hongji. Ruan Zhaotian felt her gaze and rejoiced.

However, it was found that Ruan Mengmeng's eyes were cold and did not have much emotion, and Ruan Zhaotian's eyes glanced down again.

The others were arrested by the police and heard that Zhao was about to read out the new commission, and the whole audience was quiet.

Attorney Zhao coughed and said: "According to Mr. Ruan Zhaotian's request, all the Ruan's shares in his hands are now fully transferred to Ms. Ruan Mengmeng. In addition to the 20% shares originally owned by Ms. Ruan Mengmeng, thereafter, Ms. Ruan will become Ruan's largest shareholder. "

[More than 5, I have to work overtime tonight and I ca n’t write it. Tomorrow 4 will I write more and change 5?]

Come on tomorrow's baby in the entrance exam ~ what ?!

(End of this chapter)

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