Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1374: Get news from your sister

Chapter 1374: Get News From Your Sister

The girl's heart beats like a beat, and she feels that her heart rate is constantly accelerating. The faster and faster the heart beats, she almost has to pop out of her chest.

If it was the former Ruan Mengmeng, she would definitely cover up and ask all the questions in her heart without hesitation.

But now, after experiencing growth, Ruan Mengmeng knows that she must stay still.

If these people were known by Feng Yizhen, they knew her sister long ago, but they kept it out, which means they were not prepared to tell themselves the facts.

Why can't you tell her the truth?

Ruan Mengmeng raised his eyes and looked at the man sitting opposite.

Feng Yi's well-organized black hair was even messy. Although his eyes were as serious and cold as ever, there was anxious anxiety under his eyes.

Obviously, Feng Yizhen cares for her sister.

The others seem to be the same.

Since they know her sister and care about her sister, they are not willing to tell her about this relationship.

The girl frowned, and she understood that they must have concealed the truth for some compelling reason.

"How can I discuss it with you? A few of you, who knew my sister tomorrow morning and knew where she was, but didn't tell me. You also pretended not to know her and approached me intentionally. How do I know you are Good or bad. "

Ruan Mengmeng was calm and said intentionally.

She didn't know if her guess was right, but that said, the general direction should be right.

If she gets caught, she might get more news.

Sure enough, when she finished speaking, the others around her changed more or less.

Especially Yu Sui, the face of the young brunette Junxiu brushed anxiously.

Obviously, he did not want to be misunderstood by Ruan Mengmeng.

"We are your sister's friends."

Feng Yizhen frowned when he saw Ruan Mengmeng's response.

He did not want to explain these words to Ruan Mengmeng, but the girl now seems to know everything.

She was a little emotional, and Feng Yizhen had to say something: "Fengqi Station was invested and established by your sister and me. I am the big boss of the team and Shishi is the second boss.

I know Shishi in the United States, she is very smart, almost genius smart. Everyone here is her colleague. We are on the surface a game station team, but we are actually a hacker mercenary squad. "

"A hacker ... a mercenary?" Ruan Mengmeng's eyes glanced at the startled light.

She never thought that Feng Feng's team had such a status.

Aren't they ordinary game teams?

Flying around a lot and competing in various countries, is that all a hidden identity?

"But why didn't my sister tell me? I've never heard of it ..."

"How did your sister tell you about your personality? She was so well protected by her. She said that she didn't want you to be contaminated with these dark things. Mengmeng ... We didn't expect that your sister would have a car accident At the time, obviously we had helped her avoid several attacks.

I know, you must be very excited to learn that your sister is still alive. But you should n’t go to Bo's house directly. Now that you know the truth, you should know what it means. The war is thin, if he knew your sister was alive, he would not let her go.

The reason why we didn't go back to Shishi until now is that Bo's family is enough to contend with the fighters and protect her. Let Shishi stay at Bo's house, at least not let Zhan Bo know her news. If she comes back, now Shishi, I'm afraid she simply can't protect herself. "

[The next chapter is updated around 21: 00 ~]

(End of this chapter)

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