Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1381: Fortunately, Bo Hanyuan appeared

Chapter 1381 Fortunately, Bo Hanyuan Appeared

"Shi Shi rejected him, there was no room for rejection. And the man was not angry, not even showing any dissatisfaction after being rejected. He just nodded, and left. But from that day on, Shi Shi's Accidents happen constantly around me.

At first, the classmates around her were accidentally. Later, she was her roommate, friends and teachers around her.

Shishi knows that Zhan Yang is persecuting her invisibly.

After the heart is removed from the donor, a transplant is needed as soon as possible. If Shishi can cooperate, even take the initiative to perform pre-operative examinations, and then lie down on the operating table to receive a heart transplant, the girl named Zhan Jia'er will have a much better chance of recovery after the operation.

Because of this, they did not directly act on Shi Shi, but threatened with people around her. "

When it comes to Ruan Shishi, Feng Yizhen's eyes don't consciously reveal a touch of tenderness, even if he is talking about such cruel things, it is full of emotions.

He told Ruan Mengmeng that, because Zhan Yang and the Duan family became more and more excessive, Ruan Shishi finally decided to let go of these people.

Ruan Shishi's IQ is absolutely incredible. She has to deal with one person, even if it is Zhan Yang, she can bother the other side and have no time to care.

Ruan Shishi contacted the rest of them, and set up a front team, using her best hacking technology to bring trouble to the beacon group.

It wasn't long before the firewall of the Beacon Group was broken by the gods.

Ruan Shishi controlled the central system of the Beacon Group. Although the Beacon Group also found loopholes, it soon began to intercept and counter-track.

But at that time, they had already found useful confidential information from it.

Those materials are suspected of unspeakable transactions between the Beacon Group and certain members of the M country's parliament.

Because the Beacon Group is rooted in country M, it naturally is subject to the laws of country M.

When this incident was privately handed over to some of the self-media by Feng Yan, and by the way broke up on the Internet, there was an outcry of tens of thousands of people.

The FBI quickly intervened, and in those few years, the Beacon Group had really gotten into trouble and had no time to look around.

"Your sister took the opportunity to return to China because we investigated that for some reason, the man did not seem to dare to set foot in Country S. After she returned, no one at Denghuo Group really dared to bother. She started Use Ruan's to earn the capital to compete with the Beacon Group, while investigating the truth of the year in private. But ... not long after, an artificial car accident made her disappear. "

Artificial car accident.

When Ruan Mengmeng heard these five words, her beautiful Xing Yan's eyes flickered slightly.

It was this car accident that made her sister disappear.

She used to think that she almost lost her sister, and to this day she can only be grateful that everything is not true.

At least, my sister is alive.

"It's the Duan family, the car accident arranged by the Duan family." Feng Yiying said coldly, biting his teeth.

"We all wanted to guard against the Beacon Group, but did not expect that even the owner of the Duan family was directly involved in this incident. At the intersection of your sister's accident, there was a so-called ambulance waiting. That is not true The ambulance is an emergency vehicle equipped with precision surgical instruments. If your sister is really rescued by them from the scene, what will be waiting for her will only be a tragedy.

Fortunately ... At that time, a man appeared. He took her away. "

What seemed to come to mind, scenes that are difficult to relieve.

Feng Yi's dark-colored pupils passed through dull pain.

The girl heard this, but finally understood everything.

You don't have to ask her to guess that the man who took away her sister is the young master Bo Han-Bo Hanyuan.

[Next chapter before 21:30, today 6 more]

(End of this chapter)

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