Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1384: Mrs. Li, welcome you home ...

Chapter 1384 Mrs. Li, Welcome You Home ...

Li Junyu was a little surprised, when Ruan Mengmeng thought that he might be angry, and even refused.

But he heard the man muffled his voice and asked, "What is the status of Mrs. Li? Is it necessary to have a little princess of Li family, or the young master will at least help you to stop some people's mouths. Heirs , Your position will be more stable. In this way, you can do whatever you want. "

Li Jun Yuhua exit, I think this arrangement seems feasible.

Although he hated being distracted by his little **** from his children, if he was an effective means of restraining her, he wouldn't mind having a rival to bind his woman.

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

I did not expect that Li Junyu would be so direct. Now, it is embarrassing for the girl's turn.

"Temporarily, temporarily." Ruan Mengmeng lowered her face unnaturally, and swiped red at the tip of her ears.

The atmosphere between them suddenly became weird.

She is very firm, but that does not mean that her cheeks will become as thick as her firm determination.

Even if the girl had been prepared, she never expected that Li Junyu would react like this.

Instead of being used by her, she was more enthusiastic than her.

Not only does she not mind being used by her compound, she has even started to plan for 'having children'.

The real storyline is different from Ruan Mengmeng's original plan. She thought that after speaking to Li Junyu clearly, she could be a real couple.

Just as the girl was asleep, she suddenly felt empty.

The next second, she was hugged by Li Junyu, and the whole person fell into his arms.

"You ... what are you doing ..." Ruan Mengmeng was restless, and suddenly there was the illusion of a rapid heartbeat.

And the intuition in her heart that started with the sixth sense was not wrong.

Because the man who seemed to be affectionate the moment before, now his eyes are darkened and darkened.

"Take you home." Li Junyu murmured, the magnetic husky voice clearly revealed his true emotions at the moment.

Do you want it so fast!

Is Li Junyu trying to do that!

Although she had planned, if she really wanted to use Li Junyu, she would have to pay a certain price, even if it was physical.

But when everything was too late for her to prepare, Ruan Mengmeng was still frightened.

Without giving the girl too much time to think, Ruan Mengmeng was hugged into the car by Li Junyu.

Seeing that she was about to be stuffed into the carriage, she quickly said, "Top floor, helicopter ... shall we take a helicopter?"

Helicopters are at least safe.

However, a tyrant didn't want to, he said sharply, "No, helicopters are inconvenient."


Obviously helicopters are faster than cars and there is no traffic jam. How could it be inconvenient?

Unless it is, Li Junyu simply wants to do that kind of thing in the car!

Only in this way, helicopters that are more narrow and must be fastened with seat belts will be inconvenient.

Ruan Mengmeng's small face collapsed instantly, and a feeling of uneasiness rose in her heart.

Sure enough, when Li Junyu shoved her into the rear compartment and closed the door, raising the bulkhead, the man's tall, long body covered in the next second.

The vehicle drove smoothly towards Liyuan.

In the back compartment, during this lengthy breakup period, Li Junyu had already been consumed with little patience, allowing him to bite the girl's sweet lips without hesitation.

"Mrs. Li, welcome you home ..."

He bit into her lovely ear beads and whispered softly.

"Mr. Li has waited for this day for a long time."

[Next chapter around 23:30]

(End of this chapter)

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