Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1396: So terrible

Chapter 1396: So Scary

"Sansan doesn't eat steak today." Ruan Mengmeng snatched her family back at the age of three from Li Junyu.

Li Junyu seduced her today, and what annoyed her about telling her the truth about her pregnancy.

Ruan Mengmeng thinks that the man is just perfunctory her, so he is still angry with him.

She didn't know that Li Junyu did this just for insurance.

Because the tyrant knows clearly, his cuteness is stubborn but soft and kind. If she knew the truth of the breakup, he was afraid she would blame her guilt and even leave him.

Never risk again, he would rather say nothing than risk.

"Steak eats too much, and it's not good for Sansan either. He still eats dog food."

Ruan Mengmeng rubbed Sansan into her arms.

When I heard the word "steak," San San, who could understand human speech, was drooling.

But Neng nestled in Ma Ma's arms, and San San didn't want to go anywhere.

Whoo ... it wants to be numb, wants ...

"I said ... when the two of you are showing affection, can you be considerate of others? Xiaomi peach, I beg you, don't mention ... these two words."

Li Junting was covering his chest and abdomen, and he vomited cleanly yesterday, but now he still feels his stomach upset.

If his brother and Xiaotao talked in front of him again, he was afraid he would spit out all his bile.

"Can't mention those two words, which two are they?" The girl didn't give up. Instead, she hugged Sansan and looked at Li Junting with a puzzled expression. "Is it steak?"

"Oh, I beg you to stop ..."

The peacock wants to die!

But the more he refused to say it, the more Ruan Mengmeng said.

She already knew from Li Junyu's mouth all the misunderstandings on the evening of August 27, and also the truth about Li Junting's use of this incident to lie to her.

Li Peacock is very skinny. He can lie to her on such an important matter, and he also lied to her.

As long as she thought that she had almost thought that the person she was sleeping was Li Junting, which caused a series of misunderstandings, she wanted Li Junting to see what the casserole fist looked like.

"Don't say anything ... steak?"

"You ... Ruan Mengmeng, you ... OK, ruthless, and poisonous!" Li Ersha held his heart and felt that he was about to shock.


The girl hugged Sansan and looked up at Li Junyu, who was standing aside: "Her husband, your brother, he said I'm fierce ... hey, am I a vicious woman?"

Li Er Shao: My second Olympics, but also, do you want to hit the sky!

Li Junting glanced through his eyes when he froze, and looked at his brother with a weak heart: "Brother, you have to be aware of Qiuhao, I just don't let Xiaotao say the other words ..."

"Uncle Zhao." However, the man's cold voice had interrupted all the peacock's extravagant hopes.

Not to mention the weight of Li Peacock, it was better than Ruan Mengmeng with his brother.

Even if there is.

But when the girl Ruo Nuonu called out her husband, it disappeared instantly.

"Bring Second Master down to supplement."

Li Junting: "..."


Because Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu temporarily ‘combined’, she was left in Liyuan.

On the first night, the night Li Junyu ate her thoroughly, no one at home called.

On the second night, like the previous night, she was coaxed into bed by Li Junyulian and ate clean.

But on the third day, President Zhan Kai found that Ruan Mengmeng had not lived in the presidential palace for three days, and he called Chen Qingzhi there.

Originally, because of the events of that year, he was embarrassed to call Chen Qingzhi there.

But the granddaughter's cell phone was turned off, and he was worried again, and called.

[6 more completed, see you tomorrow night ~]

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(End of this chapter)

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