Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1407: Let her meet someone

Chapter 1407: Let Her Meet Someone

President Zhan Kai's response to the name 'War Thin' seems very strong.

Ruan Mengmeni watched the painful cough of the grandfather of the president, covering his heart, as if out of breath.

It was only after a few breaths that his face gradually recovered from the bleakness and blueness, and he took a hard and calm breath.

"Grandpa ..." The girl was frightened.

She thought that her grandfather might be shocked and angry when she heard the truth, but she never thought that the old and strong old man's home would be directly enraged and almost didn't mention it.

"I, I'm okay ..." President Zhan Kai's chest fluctuated, his face turned from cyan to pale.

And his powerful but vicissitudes 'hands clenched the young girls' hands tightly.

"Meng Meng, grandpa won't be okay, he will never let himself be okay, you can rest assured."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

How could it be all right.

She felt that his grandfather was in a very poor state now. The old and powerful president who could hold the bazooka with one hand at the gate of Liyuan seemed to disappear suddenly.

Ruan Mengmeng always felt that President Zhan Kai was strong, tough and would never fall.

But at this moment, she really saw clearly that the white-haired old man in front of her eyes had already reached the end of the crossbow.

No wonder when Grandpa just met her, he would hug her so excitedly that he wanted her to inherit the family business.

Her grandpa is actually very lonely and very hard.

"Grandpa ..." The girl was speechless, and she didn't know what to say.

At this moment, he only embraced the old man's arm and leaned his small face on his shoulder.

President Zhan Kai's mood gradually calmed down, he patted the girl's shoulders with his backhand: "It's okay, it's okay ... Grandpa is old and makes you worry. If you are ten years younger, do you think grandpa will let that kid out Here. "

The old president patted his granddaughter's shoulder, but never said anything.

He didn't mention it, and Ruan Mengmeng didn't ask.

The girl thought that Grandpa probably couldn't accept it for a while, and couldn't face the ‘warfare’.

However, when she followed Grandpa back to the Presidential Palace and took a short break in her room, the inner waiter came personally and knocked on the door with a serious expression: "Miss Mengmeng, please follow me. Mr. President said that there are important guests and I hope you will meet. "

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."


Bypassing the long corridor, following the inner waiter, and going down a few floors, Ruan Mengmeng was taken to a basement hidden in the presidential palace.

Seeing the passage leading to the underground, for some reason, Ruan Mengmeng thought of the torture room in the ancient costume drama.

She could not help raising her eyebrows, and her heart was a little frizzy.

However, out of trusting in Grandpa and his most loyal housekeeper, the girl moved on.

The heavy iron gate was pushed open, thinking that a horrible sight would be seen.

However, it did not.

Behind the iron gate is the normal reception room.

In the reception room, except for President Zhan Kai, an unexpectedly tall figure sat on the wide sofa at the right end.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng's figure, the man got up, the evil pupil's cold pupil bent down, chuckling: "Mengmeng, long time no see ..."

"Brother Jing ..." The handsome and familiar figure of the man in front of him made Ruan Mengmeng froze for a second.

Why is Brother Jing here?

Immediately afterward, there was a sound of iron doors being closed shut.

The young girl found out that she and her brother Jing and grandfather were left in the big room.

[More late ~]

(End of this chapter)

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