Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1412: Quaint ring

Chapter 1412: The Simple Ring

"Unfortunately, when I was assassinated, the two guards who were with me happened to be the most powerful elites under Zhou Zhengji. But because of my trust in him at that time, plus the two were indeed I fought to protect me, even at my own expense to prevent a deadly attack. When I watched them fall in a pool of blood and died in front of my eyes, I dispelled them. "

Most importantly, Zhou Zhengji saved President Zhan Kai's life on the battlefield.

And they have always had the same philosophy of governing the country, and they want to bring greater well-being to all citizens.

The two of them abandoned military service and continued to stay in the army, complementing each other.

Working with Tongji for decades, but did not expect that in the end, the one who stabbed him in the back was the best comrade in arms.

Ruan Mengmeng: "Why can you be sure that you arranged everything behind the scenes, and the person who assassinated you was a war fighter? I think it is actually Zhou Zhengji."

As a military general, Zhou Zhengji is obviously more effective.

And he was much older than Zhan Bo, and saved Zhan Bo's life.

In Ruan Mengmeng's view, Zhou Zhengji was the mastermind of everything.

President Zhan Kai shook his head: "No, the reason why you say this is because you don't know enough about Zhan Bo. If you really see him later, you will know that he can never be subordinate to him. , But he did not have the courage to assassinate me. Oh ... all this will only be arranged by the war. "

Speaking of this, President Zhan Kai stood up and seemed unwilling to talk about it anymore.

He went to the side against the wall and pressed a few times, and a brick surface on the wall suddenly loosened.

President Zhan Kai took out the brick surface and took out a simple and delicate small box from it.

"Meng Meng." President Zhan Kai approached and took something out of the box.

The girl looked at it, it was actually a unique shape, I do not know what kind of metal ring.

"Give your hand to Grandpa."

The girl was slightly surprised, always feeling that the unique and simple ring looks particularly sacred and solemn.

President Zhan Kai grabbed the girl's hand and put the ring in her left middle finger.

It is a pity that the ring is much larger and looser.

The president shook his head: "It's really big, grandpa still finds a chain and puts it on your neck."

"Grandpa, what is this?" Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help asking.

"This ..." President Zhan Kai laughed without answering, but started a different topic.

"Meng Meng, Grandpa asked you for the last time. Now, there are two ways before you.

First, follow Yi Yi to leave, leave S country, do not let people know incognito, you are my granddaughter Zhan Kai. This is because the situation is already very dangerous. Grandpa can tell you frankly that his grandfather may not be safe anymore, and even his real power in his hands may have been suspended.

Grandpa's original hope was to let you go. Of course, it is best if you can marry Yi Yi, but unfortunately, you don't want to. "

"Grandpa ..." The girl couldn't help but grab her hand.

She had long felt that Grandpa ’s performance today was unusually strange, and suddenly she was not allowed to continue talking in the car. After she returned, she was suddenly allowed to see Brother Jing here.

And marry her to Brother Jing.

It wasn't until this moment that Ruan Mengmeng really knew that the grandfather actually planned this way.

"I won't go. Before Grandpa lets you go, I made a decision. I want to be a child of your warrior, your grandson, and I will defeat that man myself. Grandpa, I want to protect you, protect my mother , Protect my family ... and protect ... sister. "

"Sister ... You mean, Shishi?" President Zhan Kai was shocked.

[More later]

(End of this chapter)

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