Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1420: Who is this lucky girl?

Chapter 1420 Who Is This Lucky Girl?

Meanwhile, inside the banquet hall.

The girls who suddenly appeared following Li Junting and Jing Yizhen, no doubt attracted the attention of the audience.

"Who is that girl? Why have I never met ..."

"Leading the second master of Li's big house in his left hand, and Jing Shao of the Golden Lion Group in his right hand, in such a pomp, I'm afraid that his status will be prominent.

The guests who can come to Duanjia to participate in this engagement banquet are all the top celebrities in S country.

Everyone at the scene naturally knew that in addition to his strong family background, Jing Yihuan also represented President Zhan Kai, who has always been unhappy with social events, at the banquet.

Before the warring states came out as presidents of a country, they were first of all the four great families.

Being loyal and benevolent, the story of the warring family has been left on this land 100 years ago.

Therefore, even rich and enemy countries such as the Li family, the Bo family, and the Duan family must rank behind the warring families.

The four great families have been in the same spirit and have maintained communication for 100 years.

Today, the Duan family marries the Li family and the Bo family. On such an important occasion, the warring family naturally sends someone.

However, anyone can see that the Duan family married Li family and Bo family, but the original in-laws and fighters were alienated.

Originally, the two were close to Zhan and Duan, and two were close to Li and Bo.

Today, this marriage is about to change.

"Jing Shao, Li Er Shao, welcome and welcome ..." At the moment Duan Yuanxun, the owner of the Duan family, approached with Mrs. Duan.

As the host of the banquet tonight, he has noticed from Jing Yiyi and Li Junting stepping into the banquet hall.

However, the female companion who the two of them joined in together made him wonder.

The two actually brought the same female companion into the field.

But he carefully looked at the girl's looks, and it was indeed beautiful and beautiful, which could make other people lose their beauty.

No matter how carefully he thought about it, he couldn't remember any girl in the high circle who had such a beautiful girl.

At this moment, when Duan Yuanxun approached, his eyes locked on the unknown girl again.

I saw the girl in front of her, wearing a very high-profile red dress.

Red is the color that is the easiest to set off people.

But the girl in front of her eyes clearly looked young, and she wore this red long skirt with a touch of her chest, but she looked gorgeous and beautiful.

Although the long skirt is a simple style of touching the chest, the tail of the skirt has a layer of veil ripples.

As she walked and swayed, she could vaguely see the snow-white long legs hidden in the red gauze between the light and shadow.

She wears red, which is extremely suitable, and can almost be said to be a color tailored for her.

Not vulgar, nor could she hold back her beautiful appearance.

When Duan Yuanxun approached with his wife, he really looked at Ruan Mengmeng's appearance, and he was surprised for no reason.

He couldn't help but ask, "Jing Shao, Er Shao, I don't know which girl is the lucky girl companion who can admire them."

When Duan Yuanxun asked these words, all the guests around him extended their ears to listen.

Yeah, everyone is curious.

The first moment the girl stepped into the ballroom, they noticed.

Walking with Li Ershao, who has always been romantic, and Jing Shao, a handsome and evil man, are not at all sunk.

The beauty of this girl really eclipsed the audience.

"Uncle Duan, you are mistaken." Li Ershao answered first, "She is not a lucky female companion. If you really say that, the lucky one is me, and I am the one who will come to the party."

[Complete the update, see you tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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