Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1425: I have never lost such a big face! (repair)

Chapter 1425 Never Lose Such a Big Face! (repair)

Mrs. Duan's face froze, then she gave Duan Yuanxun a calm look.

She seemed to have no other emotions in her glance, but in fact, she had deep grievances.

It was just that she wasn't superficially maintained and wasn't even noticeable.

When Shen Lan heard what Duan Yuanxun said, she was a little angry.

She really didn't understand. She said so clearly. Why didn't the Duan family drive out Ruan Mengmeng?

As soon as she saw Ruan Mengmeng's face that became more and more watery, she would think of Chen Qingzhi.

Whenever she thinks of Chen Qingzhi, she will feel uncomfortable.

But after all, this is the site of the Duan family. If the Duan family doesn't rush people, she can't go any further.

Shen Lan could only lower her face and maintain her dignified lady appearance, slightly nodding: "Since Mr. Duan is warm and hospitable, then I don't have to worry about it. Jinghui, let's go over it. It's not the kind that can't stand The girls sat together for a few hours, and patience passed. "

After she finished speaking, she took Li Jinghui and walked towards the dance floor, her exclusive seat.

Seeing Ruan Mengmeng, Li Junting and Jing Yihuan were in front of them, and they were about to be brought into the sofa by the waiter.

Shen Lan raised her skirt and hurried forward: "Wait a minute, after all, I'm Li's elder, so I should choose a seat first."

She walked to the waiter, her jaw slightly raised.

Taking out Mrs. Gui's stance, she said clearly: "This row of couches, I and Hui Shao are sitting. I'm not used to sitting too close to the humble person ... that girl, you arrange her to sit there."

Shen Lan stretched out her orchid finger, and for the rest of her life, a single sofa.

In fact, the seats prepared by the Duan family are naturally made of good leather sofas. There is no difference between quality and quality.

But that long row of sofas seemed to be bigger and fuller, and was facing the dance floor.

The small sofa on the side is facing the dance floor, and naturally it is inferior.

Ruan Mengmeng heard Shen Lan's words, suddenly turned her head and looked at with a look of fools.

Even the peacock who followed her had a weird draw.

But Shen Lan completely misunderstood Ruan Mengmeng's meaning.

She chuckled her lips with a sneer, "You don't have to ask for mercy, don't try to say good things, I didn't rush you out to let you sit in our seat at Li's house, but also to avoid the face of the royal court. Ruan Mengmeng, woman If you have self-knowledge, I advise you to still ... "

"Mrs. Li San, Mrs. Li San ..." Just before Shen Lan's words were finished, the waiter on the side was whispering a reminder.

"Mrs. Li San, you have misunderstood. This lady's identity today is a distinguished guest attending the banquet on behalf of the warring family. That ... she's not sitting in your Li family's position, she is sitting there."

The waiter stiffly pointed to the seat close to the other side of Li's seat, belonging to the warrior's seat.

He knew that this offended people, but Mrs. Li continued to talk and lost face.

The waiter can only rise up.

The smile on the corner of Shen Lan's lips was frozen.

At this moment, she seemed to be spotted and settled there.

The focus of the whole audience was on them. She purposely increased the volume so that everyone could know how Ruan Mengmeng started humblely.

She was destined to be the really ugly Jumping Clown.

The angle of Shen Lan's lips still kept rising, but now she couldn't laugh anymore.

The eyes of those around him were ridiculed, ridiculed, and gloating.

She is a grand lady, and since she married into Li's family, she has not lost such a big face and suffered such a humiliation!

Shen Lan drew her forehead and drew again, and tried to control herself so as not to show a sloppy expression.

Until a moment later--

"Sister ..." A deep, cold voice came from behind.

This finally broke the rigid expression on Shen Lan's face.

[This chapter was revised, and the last name was that my sister was not an aunt. I got a cold and dizzy yesterday. I wrote it wrong.]

Important changes! !! !! I was dizzy last night and I found that Shen Yu is Shen Lan ’s younger brother, not a nephew. !! !! !!

Is there anything wrong with me before, if there is any trouble, the little babies tell me ~

(End of this chapter)

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