Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1427: Look down on bastard

Chapter 1427: Look Down On The Bastard

No one could have expected that Shen, who was young at a young age, could be so strong.

That's Shen Lan, the best daughter of the Shen family, the best married daughter.

Today's Mrs. Li San has an extremely honorable position, that is, Shen Zhen is here, and she dare not speak in front of her?

Some sneered at the illegitimate child for being overwhelmed, while others waited to see how Mrs. Li San taught his ignorant younger brother.

Some people also ridiculed that the illegitimate children were uncultivated things, and they did not look at the occasion, and even openly quarreled with Mrs. Li San at such a banquet.

However, beyond all expectations, originally thought she would fight back fiercely, and even took out the majesty of Mrs. Lijia and learned the lesson from this ignorant brother Shen, but after a few seconds of stiffness, she squeezed out a few words very hard-

"Jinghui, don't say hello to you yet."

Li Jinghui :? ? ?

As the sister-in-law of Li's third room, even though Li Jinghui was not to be seen by the grandfather and old lady of Li family a while ago, his identity is still there.

The illegitimate child of the Shen family, even his uncle, was not qualified to take Joe in front of him.

What's more, Li Jinghui saw the gloom for the first time today, seeing the other person's tall and tall figure and deep facial features, but the pair of narrow and phoenix eyes showed a little shame.

Eyeed by such eyes, Li Jinghui felt uncomfortable by instinct.

"Mom, where is this puppet? Grandpa's family has always been a daughter. I have never heard of grandpa and son. Don't you admit that you have been deceived." Li Jinghui didn't know the melancholy method at all Relying on her own identity, she responded to Shen Lan in this way.

He didn't care if he said that, would he let Shao shame, or would he shame the Shen family.

The birth of Li Jinghui really made him look down on the Shen family.

If it wasn't for his mother who came from the Shen family, he had no feelings for the Shen family at all.

"It is indeed the young master of Li's family, and speaking is stingy."

"That is, how can Hui Shao be a grandson of Lijia Sanfang anyway, how could he be called an illegitimate child?"

"The illegitimate child did not give Mrs. Li San's face on the spot, nor weighed her weight. Okay, let's kick the iron plate, how can the Li family's identity be comparable."

Everyone was holding a joke, but no one noticed that in the gloomy and cold eyes, a layer of frost was slowly condensing.

The corners of his cold lips were slightly hooked up, very good. It seems that he really should find a chance to teach his good nephew, what is called "respecting elders".

"Sullen, don't you have the general knowledge of Jinghui, Jinghui is young and ignorant." Shen Lan saw the change in the gloomy eyes, and her heart was completely cold.

Others don't know the melancholy means, how could she Shen Lan not know!

Today's Shen family relies on depression.

Since Shen Zhen brought Shen Yu back from the outside, the career of the Shen family has been expanding at a rate much faster than the past several times.

Among them, Shen Yu's methods used Shen Lan's heart only to think about it.

The sneer of deep lips deepened: "Jinghui is not careful anymore, but she still doesn't know how old she is. I remember that Jinghui had already married, even her son."

The gloomy, cold, and narrow eyes were staring at Li Jinghui's unrepentant face.

At this moment, Li Jinghui even raised his chin high and proud.

He looked at Shen Lan with a smile, as if he could see everything and turned to Shen Lan.

Shen Lan's heart fluttered and she drummed wildly.

When she heard Shen Yu's sudden mention of Li Jinghui's "son" Li Zhechao, the anxiety in her heart became more and more intense.

[More late]

(End of this chapter)

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