Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1433: Bo Hanyuan is really scary

Chapter 1433 Bo Hanyuan Is Really Terrible

The man who walked into the banquet hall from the outside was Bo Hanyuan. He was tall and sturdy, with dark hair and phoenix eyes, and his features were deep and sharp.

But his eyes were cold and piercing, and the phoenix eyes drooping like obsidian were covered by thick eyelashes, making his handsome and cold features look even colder.

He was followed by two bodyguards, with the same coldness on his face.

To be honest, if not everyone knows, Bo Shao has always been like this, and his expression is cold and unwilling to ignore people.

In addition, as one of the protagonists tonight, he rarely appeared, it should be to marry Duan Yier, the Duan family.

They really thought that Bo Shao's appearance was not like attending an engagement ball, but rather coming to a funeral.

"Small, welcome, welcome ..." As soon as Bo Hanyuan appeared, Duan Yuanxun and Madam Duan showed sincere joy on their faces.

From the time they negotiated with Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo, they knew that Bo Hanyuan was hiding.

Bo Hanyuan had a weak relationship with his parents. Originally, Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo did not care much about his marriage.

But recently I heard that Bo Shao seems to be entangled by some goblin.

Even if the family members of the Bo family were even weak, but for the sake of the family, Bo Hanyuan was not allowed to marry a woman who was not stubborn.

Therefore, Mr. Bo and Mrs. Bo personally questioned the marriage of the eldest son.

After looking for it in many families, he settled with Duan Yier, who was right at the door.

This matter, Duan Yuanxun and Madam Duan knew that Bo Hanyuan was unaware.

Thinking of the cold and surly character of Bo Hanyuan, I was afraid that my daughter would suffer in the past.

But thinking of the family history of the Bo family, Duan Yuanxun and Madam Duan naturally did not want to miss it.

Therefore, they negotiated with the Bo family, tonight's engagement banquet can allow Bo Ersha to replace Bo Hanyuan.

Anyway, Bo's family has always been like this. Bo Hanyuan is lonely by nature, and external social communication has always been handed over to Bo Erhao.

"It's great that you can come here. Yier has just come out. Now I'm going to change dresses with her younger sister. When I come out later, I can dance together."

Mrs. Duan was happy for her daughter and said excitedly.

The cold-looking Bo Hanyuan had no interest in entertainment.

His jaw was only slightly lower, indicating that he knew it, and then there was no change in his expression.

If you insist, you can only have it. When Madam Duan mentioned the phrase "little", the man's dark eyes were cold and deep, and he froze slightly.

Not far away, Ruan Mengmeng finally saw the legendary Bo Hanyuan.

She knew it was this man who had taken her sister.

In a sense, he might be his sister's benefactor.

However, Bo's family refused to let her in or to see her sister, so for her now, Bo Hanyuan should probably be classified as a 'bad person'.

However, Bo Hanyuan is really terrible.

His expression was indifferent and cold, and his facial features were distinguished and handsome.

The bottomless black eyes were so cold that they dared not look straight.

Ruan Mengmeng only saw such cold eyes when I first met Li Junyu.

However, compared with Li Junyu's more abstinent and cold eyes, Bo Hanyuan's eyes were pure cold.

Like ice, there is no temperature.

His eyes cleared from the faces of Duan Yuanxun and Madam Duan, but Ruan Mengmeng felt that his eyes were not like looking at living people.

Instead, like Duan Yuanxun and Mrs. Duan, in the eyes of Bo Hanyuan, they are all dead things without life characteristics.

[Four more is done. Today, the cold is much better. Challenge to continue writing ~ I try my best! Later

(End of this chapter)

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