Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1436: All eyes on the sofa 咚

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1436

"My second Olympics, the big demon Bo Hanyuan blushed, I'm not mistaken! Lying down, he also let Meng Meng touch, and also let Meng Meng grab his hand, what is this ?!"

Not far away, Li Peacock almost exploded from the sofa.

It's not just Li Junting, even Jing Yiyi, somber, and deep eyes on the side are watching the direction of Bo's house.

In other words, the attention of the audience was locked on Ruan Mengmeng and Bo Hanyuan at this moment.

Everyone knows that Bo Hanyuan is cold and ruthless, and it can even be said that he has never had human feelings.

Those legends of the Bo family, the connotation of the name Bo Hanyuan, outsiders gave Bo Hanyuan a title of "big devil", which is definitely not an exaggeration.

It is said that indifference is as cold as the cold, and there is no human emotion at all. He is like a demon from the abyss of hell. He is not only ruthless to outsiders, but even his own parents, brothers and sisters are cruel and cold.

Bo Hanyuan-Injustice.

No parent will deliberately give such a name to his son, and the name Bo Hanyuan is destined to carry many unspeakable secrets.

Everyone knows that he doesn't like being born, or that he doesn't like humans.

Therefore, Bo Hanyuan will appear in such crowded banquet occasions, which will surprise everyone.

And when Ruan Mengmeng walked into the rest area of ​​Bo's family, it seemed as if she was going to be close to Bo Shaotao. Almost all the guests in the audience waited to see this uncontrollable girl being beaten.

Shen Lan and Li Jinghui, who had just eaten in front of Ruan Mengmeng, couldn't wait to see Bo Hanyuan let people throw Ruan Mengmeng out.

However, when the girl approached, Bo Hanyuan's bodyguards not only did not throw her out, but also respectfully gave way.

At that moment, all the guests who wanted to see the girl's joke all gave birth to the illusion that they were beaten on the face by an invisible slap.

And the face does not end like this.

The girl approached, not only was not thrown out by Bo Shao, but also allowed by Bo Shao to sit beside him.

And the expression of Bo Shao talking to her was even a little indulgence.

How is this going! ?

All this is too unreal.

It's impossible for Bo Shao to know this girl. A girl of ordinary origin like her is not qualified to see Bo Shao.

However, starting from today's banquet, this girl named Ruan Mengmeng kept creating impossible.

First Li Er Shao, Jing Shao, and then gloom, and now even Bo Shao was 'captured' by her.

Watching the young girl's gesture of grasping Bo Shao's hand, everyone was waiting at the scene-waiting for the next moment to see if Bo Shao would throw out the girl who did not know what to do.

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

After a three-second pause, an unexpected scene happened.

I saw the man who was sitting on the side of the sofa and grabbed his hand by Ruan Mengmeng, suddenly turned to face the girl.

The right hand, originally caught by Ruan Mengmeng, in turn grabbed her little hand.

Then, Bo Hanyuan pushed Ruan Mengmeng back, and she fell into the sofa uncontrollably.

And he pressed his tall and erect body, and his left open hand slammed against the girl's ear.

A standard ‘sofa 咚’, Ruan Mengmeng was caught on the back of the sofa by Bo Hanyuan before she could react.

All guests: "!!!"

No one expected that things would turn out like this.

Bo Shao actually bantered the girl in public, still at his engagement ball.

However, at this moment, no one knew what Ruan Mengmeng saw, and her heart fluttered to the extreme.

An unprecedented fear actually came from her heart.

When she saw Bo Hanyuan's deep black eyes, she was frozen to the extreme.

She heard the man holding her in a cold, ruthless voice: "No one can take her away from me, you ... can't."

[More late]

It's so hard to write ~ I changed it 3 times, that's what I mean ~

(End of this chapter)

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