Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1447: Captivated

Chapter 1447

"No, the red dress she wears is also very vulgar, I really don't know what Li fancy about her!"

"Of course I think she looks better than you."

As soon as the ladies and ladies complained, a lazy and **** voice mixed with some lingering voices came from them.

The crowd was shocked, and when they looked forward, they found that Master Lijia's handsome, cynical face appeared from the back of the sofa.

It turned out that two Duan family members appeared on the stage. In order to seize favorable terrain at the first time, guests crowded to the dance floor.

And this small group of so-called ladies and nobles who said Ruan Mengmeng's bad words stood right behind the rest area where the warriors were.

In other words, what they said just now was heard by Li Junting, Jing Yichen and Shen Yu.

After Li Ershao said that extremely ironic sentence, Jing Yiyi on the side raised her eyebrows slightly and glanced at the long tongue women-"It looks good, but it is the most common feature of Meng Meng. She still has many A better place than this. As for the problem of looking at the face ... not all men look at the face, but all men in the world must not like it, you women like chewing the tongue. "

What he said was in response to these ladies, the phrase ‘so men just know to look at their faces’.

"You ..." The ladies' faces were hot. I didn't expect a gentleman like Jing Yihuan to speak harder than Li Liji, who was always arrogant.

However, things are not over.

Immediately afterwards, a melancholy, low-key, and gloomy voice also came-"Meng Meng is more beautiful than you, more lovely than you, and more interesting than you. Compared to her, you are so jealous and distorted as a woman with an ugly face. It is a real shame. "

!! !! !!

The ladies behind the three exploded completely.

What's going on with these three people, and how to maintain that humble identity, the fox spoils who came to Duan's house!

Everyone's face was blue and white, and their cheeks were hot.

These lady ladies are usually not sought after in their respective communication circles, otherwise they would not speak so brazenly.

But tonight, at the Duan Jia's banquet, they only had the right to stand.

Compared with the three young people sitting on the front sofa, their identities are trivial and clear.

Without status and status, there is no right to refute.

The ladies were slammed in succession by three men, and they wanted to refute but did not dare to refute. They wanted to argue based on reason-oh, they are the ones who chew the tongue, but they are not as good as Ruan Mengmeng.

No matter in which way, there is no stand-back position.

Therefore, these ladies with chewing tongues could only raise their pigskin-colored faces, and quit the group dimly and switched to other stations.

When Li Junting and Jing Yizhen saw these people retreated, they turned back.

The gloomy eyes sitting side by side in the back row, like those poisonous snake eyes, but with the departure of the ladies, the gloom became more gloomy.

He will not let go of any sinner who insults little things.


At the same time, on the other side, Duan Yuanxun has come to the rest area where Li Junyu is located.

"Li Shao ..." Duan Yuanxun squeezed out the words in the face of the man who still held Ruan Mengmeng and looked down and pecked at him if no one was there.

After a moment, the man who finished the kiss raised his eyes, "Is something wrong?"

When Li Junyu questioned, he was clearly seated, but his jaw slightly raised, but indignant and indifferent.

It was as if the person questioning condescendingly became him.

While talking, his long five fingers were still pinching the girl's small chin.

The slightly rough fingertips rubbed lightly on Ruan Mengmeng's red lips, which were kissed by him.

[Wait, continue]

(End of this chapter)

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