Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1449: Refusal of marriage, promise of marriage

Chapter 1449 Refusal Of Marriage, Accept Marriage

"You, you ..." Even if Duan Yuanxun was even more forbearing, he almost vomited blood when he heard Li Junyu's unabashed ‘truth’.

His chest throbs and he suppresses so hard that he doesn't lose himself.

"Okay, you guys, okay ..."

Even if he Duan Yuanxun privately told the good old man Li, without Li Junyu's consent, but Li Junyu shouldn't give them a face like this, right?

Duan family, after all, has been in the high position for a long time.

Therefore, I have developed a habit of thinking about myself as the center of everything.

He felt that Li Junyu didn't give him face, but didn't want to think about it, how could there be such an embarrassing and shameful moment if he was not carrying Li Junyu planning these bad things.

Duan's face was completely beaten this time.

Li Junyu was determined, but Duan Yuanxun could not threaten the Duan family.

He could only take a deep look at Li Junyu and a deep look at the girl in his arms, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Wait a minute." As Duan Yuanxun was about to turn around, a gentle voice stopped him.

Shen Lan strongly suppressed the ecstasy at the bottom of her heart. I did not expect that the opportunity would come so easily.

When Li Junyu even made Zhi dizzy, Duan Jiajin didn't want to, but he was holding a wild seed as a treasure.

This Chen Qingzhi is really a 'good' woman.

Yaoyang was almost dragged down that year and was not liked by the old lady.

Now she gave birth to a daughter, which again dragged Li Junyu.

Oh, it's really a fate.

Shen Lan had not seen her because Ruan Mengmeng was Chen Qingzhi's daughter.

But now suddenly felt that maybe Ruan Mengmeng was her lucky star.

With Ono's presence, Li Junyu not only missed the marriage of the Duan family, but also missed the heart of Mr. Li and Mrs. Li.

The thought of Shen Lan's lips deepened at the thought of the two elderly people who were still watching the salute in the lounge on the second floor.

"Mr. Duan, our family Jinghui is also a descendant of the Li family. At this time, if no one goes up to dance with Miss Er, I am afraid that it will have an adverse effect on the reputation of the Duan family and Miss Er. Help a few Duanjia and Miss Er. "

Shen Lan's word "gang" is really exquisite.

One word reminded Duan Yuanxun that this was helping Duan's family and helping Duan Muer to hide his ugliness.

In the future, the Duan family can't just leave the relationship alone. If you don't recognize it after using it, it is to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

Duan Yuanxun's face sank. I didn't expect this to be a robbery.

Li Jinghui had promised to open the fog for Li Junyu before, because Li Jinghui was the representative of Li Jinghui.

But now ...

Duan Yuanxun looked at Li Jinghui who had already stood up and followed Shen Lan.

Li Jinghui in the third room of the Li family, haha ​​... outsiders don't know, does he not understand Duan Yuanxun?

But now, people have to bow their heads under the roof.

Duan's face and Mu'er's face could not be lost.

Duan Yuanxun looked at Li Jinghui who was eager to try, and nodded: "Well, there will be less trouble Hui."

Having said that, Duan Yuanxun did not want to look at Li Jinghui any more, turned his head and walked towards the Bo family.

Li Junyu can't, at least there is Bo Hanyuan.

Now that Bo Shao has arrived, he will definitely not go against it.

Sure enough, Duan Yuanxun's guess was correct.

Although Bo Hanyuan's expression was cold and gloomy, but after hearing his request, he got up very cooperatively and walked towards the center of the dance floor.

"Well, let go of me ..." Ruan Mengmeng saw Bo Hanyuan approaching Duan Yi'er, and was so anxious that she almost dropped out her beautiful eyes.

What this Bo Hanyuan did, he just threatened her not to take away her elder sister, but now she went to the old Miss Duan.

Ruan Mengmeng couldn't sit still, she struggled to sit up from Li Junyu's arms, anxious to rush up and pull away Bo Hanyuan now.

[Complete the update, see you tomorrow night]

The title is, meaning one less and one less.

(End of this chapter)

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