Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1463: The car suddenly shakes

Chapter 1463 The Car Shocked Suddenly

"Release Master, let go of—"

The first steward who came over immediately came forward and stopped.

Later, Duan Yuanxun's other powerful assistants also stepped forward and pulled.

It was seen that Duan Yuanxun had begun to roll his eyes, and it looked like he would lose his breath at any time. He could only hold a bottle of wine and smash it into Zhan Qingze's arm.


The bottle was broken and the golden liquid poured over the ground. Zhan Qingze's iron arm in Duan Yuanxun's throat still showed no signs of loosening.


"Zhan Qingze, don't forget that my father, although he is a Duan family member, is also the elder brother of your mother and mother. You killed my father like this, but after thinking back, how do you explain to your mother and mother!"

There was a serious male voice in the melody, which suddenly sounded and attracted the attention of the public.

Everyone found out that I do n’t know when the romantic, dumb family master Duan Qi Duan Qifeng appeared behind Zhan Qingze.

Zhan Qingze's puppet around Duan Yuanxun's neck finally released.

Duan Yuanxun, whose body was suspended, fell to the ground in pain.

A lot of servants quickly helped him.

Zhan Qingze turned around, looking coldly at the current Duan family, and still the only useful young master Duan Qifeng.

Zhan Qingze: "Today's affairs, I will self-explain like a homeowner."

This means that the Duan family is best not to distort the facts, and the wicked will sue first.

Duan Qifeng nodded: "That's natural."

Zhan Qingze no longer looked at Duan Yuanxun, turned his head and left, but he was still lonely, and he still could see the frightening battle.

Until Zhan Qingze disappeared, Duan Yuanxun slowly recovered to save face.

I dared to touch my neck, panting breathlessly: "This, this thing is not ... not so easy to finish. I ... I will let me ... let my sister, take him ... take him Get out of the war ... "

However, even if Duan Yuanxun was so 'strong', after this so-called engagement banquet, Duan's face was almost lost.

Four big families, the most extravagant and luxurious Duan family.

Ha ha ... Now in the eyes of other giants in country S, there is only a kind of golden jade among them, but the evaluation is so.


On the other side, Li Junyu, who had just left the banquet hall, hugged Ruan Mengmeng and stepped onto the car, took a stride.

Ling Nanhu hasn't noticed the strangeness of his own young lady since then, but he is confused: "Master, why didn't you let me fight with Zhan Qingze just now? I heard his name ten years ago. I ’ve always wanted to fight with him, but I ’ve heard that he ’s dead. I had a hard time hitting it today. It ’s a rare opportunity. I believe I can ... ”

"You don't want to be thrown into outer space by the young master, you better shut up!" Ling Bei dragged his uneasy brother from behind and pulled him aside.

Ling Nan turned his head and looked puzzled: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"Pop-" Ling Bei jumped up and slapped her brother's head.

"Stupid, I can't see that Mrs. Young is in a wrong situation. I tell you, we'll be in the back car later, right ... I have to notify Li, and I will lift the partition when I get in. But Li is better than you Smart, he should understand. "

Ling Nan still looked stunned: "Zhan Qingze came out, maybe the Duan family has hidden some more powerful people. We won't take a car with the young master to protect him?"

"Also protect a fart!" Ling Bei really wanted to hit someone, Ling Nan really had long muscles and no brains.

"Look at Mrs. Young's little face, that blushing face ... I tell you, the car in front is suddenly shaking, and you are not allowed to approach it!"

[Continue ~]

(End of this chapter)

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