Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1469: Haunted by the demon girl

Chapter 1469: Hooked By The Demon Girl

Ruan Mengmeng, who was about to leave just after waking up.

It was so uncontrolled, bewitched by the dark, deep, bottomless phoenix eyes of a man.

Li Junyu, who is both lazy and lazy, easily controlled her mind, and almost every heartbeat was for the man in front of her.

It wasn't until Ruan Mengmeng's white porcelain body was trapped in the big bed that she suddenly remembered what she had just said.

When Li Junyu kissed, she seemed to be solicited to make a voice that was not hers.

"Huh ... well ..."

The thoughtless little woman suddenly remembered what she had said a few minutes ago.

She just agreed.

Suddenly remembering the mission that he was shouldering, the heavy task behind him, a sudden coolness came from the back.

Ruan Mengmeng was suddenly sober.

It is a pity that this instant Qingming was again attacked by the man with a more intensive attack.

Ruan Mengmeng, who took a breath in Gu Qiwang, who was compiled by the man, was swept up in a whirlpool.

Floating up and down, unable to extricate themselves.


Downstairs, Li Yuan's large living room.

A cup of hot tea was swept to the ground.

"How long do you have to wait! Is Jun Yu already such a wasteful business now? What time is it? He hasn't got up yet, huh ... It was really the scourge of that demon girl."

At ten o'clock in the morning, the old lady Li, who was extremely unsightly, came to the door with the help of Shen Lan.

The old lady came over, but the steward Zhao Shu dare not neglect.

What happened at Duan's house last night, Shu Shu had already learned from Ling Beikou.

Over there, Mr. Li and Mrs. Li will send someone over for questioning today, which is already expected.

It was just that Li Yuan did not expect that Li personally would be the old lady when she went to the door to teach.

"Old lady, you have misunderstood. Young master always works most seriously. He always wakes up at six and never slacks off. It is only because he is too hard to work, so I take a rest. Rare young master wakes up a little late and can be good. We don't bother to rest. "

Uncle Zhao dealt with it carefully. According to his selfishness, he hoped that the young master would relax more.

You know, there is no more workaholic in the whole Li family than the young master.

If it wasn't for Miss Mengmeng, the young master didn't know what he was going to get tired of.

"Oh, toil is toil, but I don't know if it's toil for work or for the woman Ruan Mengmeng." Shen Lan sneered, without concealing her dissatisfaction with Li Junyu.

Anyway, after last night, Li Junyu's position in the minds of the grandfather and the old lady has shaken.

Shen Lan, of course, must seize the opportunity to give Li Junyu eye drops.

Just like today, Zhang Bo was asked to come over to ask someone to pass by, but as soon as Shen Lan was awake, she became the old lady to come in person.

Because Shen Lan knew that so early, at the banquet last night, I couldn't help but talk to Ruan Mengmeng, the little **** Qing Qing, my Li Junyu, and I must not get up.

Zhao Shuqiang put up with the discomfort in his heart: "Three ladies, the young master, we don't say much about it. But the young master's achievements in his career are obvious to all."

"Okay—" The old lady who had just lost her temper gave Uncle Zhao an unhappy look.

"Is this where you speak? Xiao Zhao, don't forget, who is the master and who is the servant here." The old lady didn't like the people at Liyuan at all, except for her grandson. The little grandson who walked made her feel a little emotional.

For Li Yuan's subordinates, she did not like it.

And last night, after such a big incident, she was tired of the people around her grandson.

Mr. Li and Mrs. Li agreed that Li Junyu would not be stunned by Ruan Mengmeng's unsuccessful demonic girl if she was not bewildered by those around her.

[Complete the update, see you tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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