Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1473: Such a shameful woman cannot be seen by people in the presidential palace

Chapter 1473 Such A Disgraced Woman Can't Be Seen By People In The Presidential Palace

"Wait a second, where are you when we are a Li family, you come and go as you want!"

Seeing that Ruan Mengmeng was about to leave, the old lady Li felt that she had lost her face, and drunk Ruan Mengmeng drastically.

And when they came, they were not alone, and the bodyguards from the old house followed.

These people are not Li Junyu's people, they are close relatives of Li's old house.

Before staying outside the living room, now she blocked Ruan Mengmeng at the door.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was stopped by her, was displeased, and she only felt that the old lady Li was too old and had dementia.

"Otherwise?" She looked back at Mrs. Li. "It was you who let me go, and it was you who stopped me. The old lady is so hard to serve, why not ..."

As the words came to my lips, I found that it was not good for an old man to say so. Ruan Mengmeng took back the following words.

But she just didn't know that Ruan Mengmeng was letting her.

But I thought it was Ruan Mengmeng who was afraid of herself, but she also asked, "Say, why don't you say that? This is Li Yuan, and it is our Li family. You little girl knows that she is afraid to say anything Anymore? "

Oh, she knew that Ruan Mengmeng was just a soft persimmon.

There was no background, no power, and he was timid when surrounded by several bodyguards.

I wasn't prepared to return to the old lady, so I saved the old lady from getting angry with high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, Ruan Mengmeng found that she really underestimated the old lady.

Why can a person be so high and self-righteous?

"Since this is what you asked for, then I'll finish what I just said ... I said, it's you who let me go, and it's you who stopped me, old lady, you are so hard to serve, why not go to heaven? "

Ruan Mengmeng said, and clapped her hands, "This is what you think I dare not say, how about it, how do you feel after hearing it?"

What else do you think!

The old lady Li was out of breath the moment she heard the girl in front of her for why she was not in the sky.

She thought Ruan Mengmeng was afraid of herself, but she didn't expect that the wild girl was not afraid at all.

Let her go to heaven, isn't that just cursing her to death!

This demon who can't stand on the stage ... How dare, how dare he curse himself to death! ?

"You, you ... you arrested me, I won't let her leave so easily. Ye girl, don't think that a prince guards you, you can do whatever you want. I am the grandma of prince You are disrespectful to me, no one can save you! "

As soon as the old lady's voice fell, there was a roar of cars outside the door.

Immediately after, the uniform footsteps of the military boots on the ground came from far and near.

"What's going on, what's going on outside?" Old Lady Li and Shen Lan looked at each other.

The old lady Li immediately ordered the captain of the bodyguard she brought out to take a look.

Seeing this, Shu Shu went out quickly.

After a while, the captain of the bodyguard returned with a solemn look: "Old lady, it is the car of the presidential palace, and there are many guards of the presidential palace, and President Zhan Kai's internal attendant also came in person."

"What?" The old lady Li looked up, her pupils shrinking.

Shen Lan, who followed, frowned tightly.

What's going on, why do people in the presidential palace come?

Their Li family has always had a shallow relationship with the warring family. The well water does not violate the river water. The presidential palace suddenly brought a large number of guards. What is it doing? !!

Fortunately, the old lady Li has also seen the world, and immediately let people go up to Li Junyu.

She also looked at Ruan Mengmeng in disdain, and commanded: "You other people, clean up here and take away some irrelevant people. Such shameful women can't be seen by people in the presidential palace. . "

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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