Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1484: Baby miss you

Chapter 1484 Baby, I Miss You

"Xing Xing Xing, you are not naive, I am naive. But little peach, at least I am naive and still have a place to live, unlike my elder brother ... Well, it was pathetic to be kicked out of Li Garden."

Li Junting's words really succeeded in attracting Ruan Mengmeng's attention.

She quickly clenched her phone: "Where does Li Junyu live now? He really has nowhere to live?"

Li Junting said without changing his heart, "Hey, you know, our father has banned him. Those star hotels are afraid to open the room to him in order to please our father. He can only now Sleeping in the company for the time being, but the new company is still renovating, the smell is big ... and the space is narrow, how can it be compared with Li Sheng. "

"Your brother can't even stay in a hotel?" Ruan Mengmeng heard this, and her beautiful eyebrows twisted together instantly.

She didn't expect the situation would be so serious.

"Where's Junyu Hotel, can't he live there?" She remembered that hotel was Li Junyu.

"Of course not." Li Junting sighed and said, "The hotel is now on the market and is ready to sell. How can a strong person like him live there and see his hotel being sold."

"What! Even the Royal Palace Hotel will be sold. Your elder brother is short of money now ?!"

"Almost, oh ... Xiaomi peach, that's all I can say anyway, you ... call and comfort him when you have the time, but don't say it too clearly, so as not to let him know you know the truth."

Of course, you can't let Li Junyu know.

Ruan Mengmeng knows Li Junyu's pride better than anyone.

She hung up the peacock's phone and tried to call Li Junyu several times.

But every time he pressed his number and hesitated, she was afraid she couldn't help but hit her ...

While Ruan Mengmeng was indecisive, Li Junyu's phone call came in.

She hadn't had time to speak when she had electricity.

"Baby ..." The man's low magnetic voice came from the phone, "I miss you."

In just one sentence, Ruan Mengmeng's nose was sore and her throat was dumb.

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng wanted to tell her tyrant, she felt sorry for him.

But she knew his pride, and even if she was so distressed in her heart, she just bit her lower lip and said, "Well, I miss you too."

On the other side of the phone, the man who was finally busy withdrawing, Feng Feng's eyes could not help brightening.

Obviously, he was pleased by the response of his own little woman.

Although Li Junyu successfully held most of the profitable subsidiaries and major high-level backbones in his own hands, he took away from Lisheng Group.

But this large-scale business change really involved him a lot of energy.

Co-ordinated meetings, layout, and operations planning.

Subsidiary company's separation from the parent company also involves commercial compensation. Although Li Junyu has money, continuous negotiation is essential.

When he finally finished everything and pulled out, he realized that he hadn't called his Meng Meng for more than 24 hours.

No matter how busy his work is, he can't leave his woman alone.

Li Junyu rubbed his brows and called Ruan Mengmeng.

Who would have thought, but hearing her voice, his exhaustion was cleared.

Li Junyu ’s lips evoked a beautiful arc, using a soft voice that is hard to hear from outsiders: "Recently, there are some things at the company that will be busy. I will pick you up when I'm busy. Remember, stay away from other weird men. "

He knew that Mengmeng ’s grandfather likes to stuff her a man best.

[Continue writing, there is one more]

I'm going to live together ...

(End of this chapter)

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