Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1488: Never choose another person in this life

Chapter 1488: Don't Want To Choose Another Person In This Life

"I do not have!"

"I'm not!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ruan Mengmeng did not want to deny Sanlian, his head shook like a rattle.

However, Li Junyu didn't believe it at all.

He squinted, his dark eyes flashing dim light: "Really?"

"No." Ruan Mengmeng nodded firmly.

But the next second, I heard a tear.

She wore a nice cashmere dress with her collar ripped apart.

The front flap cracked a large opening, and the white and snowy skin was exposed.

"Li Junyu, what are you doing ..." Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful Xingmu slightly trembled, exclaiming incredulously.

However, before the words fell, Li Junyu leaned down and buried her in her neck.

Sexy thin lips kissed her slender porcelain white neck, leaving a series of bite marks on it.

"His ... you ... let go ..." She pushed him.

The crunchy sensation on her neck made her body so weak that even her voice was delicate and weak.

Ruan Mengmeng never felt for a moment that he was like a little sheep to be slaughtered, unable to escape under the tyrant's claw.

"Don't let go, unless you tell the truth." The man's voice was low and he kept increasing his kisses.

All the way from her white neck to the collarbone, and then down from the collarbone, buried in her ...

"Hey ..." Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help it.

Even the voice brought a crying voice: "Let go, let go ... I, I say, I say ..."

"Talk and let go." Li Junyu's deep and stuffy voice came from her heart.

He used the set of negotiating tables against outsiders on her.

As his kiss sucked heavier, Ruan Mengmeng's breathing was disordered.

When did the poor man endure such a threat?

Her translucent white skin was pink.

The slender neck was leaning back, the red face was raised high, and fell on the big bed.

The apricot eyes that were already moist and blurred were already stained with the crimson love, and the tip of the lovely nose was pink, and the slightly red lips were red and swollen by men.

Under Li Junyu's relentless punishment.

Ruan Mengmeng dipped in tears for a few times and finally couldn't bear it anymore. She bit her lower lip and cried hummingly, "Choose a husband, choose a husband ... is a husband. Grandpa's husband for me. At the banquet, the heiress of the warring family only accepted the burden, I said it, I said it, let me go ... "

She is really dying!

However, it was okay not to say this, when Ruan Mengmeng said it.

The man who originally wanted to tell the truth, the dark phoenix eyes were instantly covered by a layer of frost.

Li Junyu not only did not stop in accordance with the promise, but even worsened.

The thinned lips kissed the white porcelain skin of the bottom of the hand, and the big hand with thin cocoons pulled the cracks on the front of the woman more and more.

The already endangered cashmere dress was finally unable to withstand such an attack.

The poor little woman was stripped naked under the man's gaze of thin fury.

Ruan Mengmeng exclaimed, covering her heart, raising her trembling apricot eyes, looking at the man with a dark, dark and obviously angry face.

She has not seen Li Junyu like this for a long time.

Like the man of the dark tyrant coming back again, he pinched the little woman's chin with her slender fingers, and forced her small face to be lifted.

"Choose a husband?" The man's tight jaw was scary.

The whole body breathed an unprecedented coldness.

Li Junyu's lips are icy, but the temperature is so cold, "Meng Meng, you're disobedient ... It seems that you won't get out of bed if you don't let you get pregnant."

After that, his body sank, completely occupying his cuteness.

She is his ...

Except for him, she never wants to choose another person in her life.

[Continue, one more chapter]

The tyrant who is so vinegared to the extreme black is really terrible! !! !! !!

(End of this chapter)

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