Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1491: Zhou Jiaojiao

Chapter 1491 Zhou Jiaojiao

Ruan Mengmeng turned back, her swan-like neck tilted backwards, as if Liuli's pupils were particularly bright and attractive under the illumination of the banquet lights.

I saw Ruan Mengmeng appear at the banquet in the presidential palace. Now her identity is very different. Ruan Jiaojiao was supposed to come and find trouble.

But Ruan Mengmeng turned around, but she was almost amazing.

This made Ruan Jiaojiao forget time to talk, but she looked at Ruan Mengmeng who turned back to her.

The hair is like clouds, the ice muscles are jade bones, and they are delicate but noble, which is probably the kind of woman.

"You ... you ..." Ruan Jiaojiao's eyes were stinging, and she didn't want to admit that she was just talking about her appearance. Even if she had gone to R country to reshape her, she could not compare with Ruan Mengmeng.

Her eyes caught the mottled kiss marks on Ruan Mengmeng's neck, and her eyes finally glanced a bit proud: "Huh, Ruan Mengmeng, how did you get in here?

A noble place like the Presidential Palace can also be visited by an ordinary starlet like you ... Ha ha, look at your unbearable appearance, can it be obtained by sleeping with some old man? "

Ruan Jiaojiao's words were pointed, and she also purposely raised the volume between words to attract the attention of the people around her.

All the ambassadors who brought their wives and belts to the scene today, or other noblemen and domestic powers.

At this point, Ruan Jiaojiao's words immediately caught the attention of others.

Turns out that this charming oriental girl is all a star?

Foreign ambassadors do n’t know Ruan Mengmeng ’s identity, but some of the powerful people in S ’s country recognized her—isn’t this the girl who bravely saved people last time?

That was the person who had just messed up at the Duanjia banquet not long ago.

Thinking of Ruan Mengmeng's ambiguous behavior with Master Li, Master Er, Master Bo, Master Jing, and Master Shen at the Duanjia banquet.

See the kiss marks on the woman's neck again.

Immediately could not help but imagine.

The eyes of others became subtle.

Ruan Jiaojiao raised her chin slightly, revealing a bit of pride.

It was just that the smile on his face had not been fully opened, and when he heard Ruan Mengmeng's next sentence, he was frozen in the corner of his lips.

Ruan Mengmeng gave Ruan Jiaojiao a glance and said, "Why, you and your mother came out of the detention center so quickly?"

Detention center! !! !!

The guests eavesdropping around looked at each other, and the rich and expensive who could come here for the banquet were mixed with the women who came out of the detention center?

Ruan Jiaojiao's face turned pale, and her heart was flustered: "You, what are you talking about ... I am a distinguished person, how and how can I have been in a detention center ..."

"Well, you are distinguished, why can't I see it? Ruan Jiaojiao, you and Qin Fang joined hands to defraud and defraud other people's property. Your mother even used cruel and deliberate medicine to harm other people's petty. Isn't that what happened recently? "

Ruan's family and Qin Fang's lawsuit, Ruan Mengmeng, ignored her, and asked her grandfather to arrange for her attorney Zhao Hongji.

Even though she hated being patriarchal since she was a child, she even disliked her mother, Mrs. Ruan.

Also to Ruan Zhaotian ... emotional complex.

But in the end, Ruan Mengmeng still let lawyer Zhao sued Qin Fang's mother and daughter on behalf of the Ruan family.

The wicked have their own grind, and Qin Fang and others are the ordeal of the Ruan family.

Qin Fang and Ruan Jiaojiao should be punished by law.

"You rarely bleed here ... Ruan Mengmeng, I tell you, I'm not Ruan Jiaojiao now, my name is Zhou Jiaojiao. My father and mother were there, did you see it?

Former General Commander of the S Army, General Zhou Zhengji and General Zhou, I am now the jewel of the Zhou family, not a third-rate actor like you. "

[Continue to write, and later]

(End of this chapter)

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