Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1493: What's on your neck!

Chapter 1493: What's On Your Neck!

"Jiaojiao ..." Qin Fang's slightly excited voice came from not far away.

Immediately after, there was a scream of solemn murder: "Let her go—who gives you the courage to spread wild in the presidential palace!"

The low and majestic roar came from the grand general Zhou Zhengji and Zhou Zhou.

He strode towards this side and, under the eyes of everyone, reached out and grabbed Ruan Mengmeng's wrist.

Everyone knows that General Zhou Zhengji and General Zhou were a good hand in the military department. Although they have retired behind the scenes for many years, they have to deal with a girl, I'm afraid ...

The eyes of the guests fell on Ruan Mengmeng's slender white wrists.

Some people feel sorry, others can't bear to watch.


One, two, three!

The old face of General Zhou Zhengji, which seemed majestic and inviolable, became more and more red, and more and more red, until the red became a liver color, and he could not hold the woman's hand.

Where does anyone else know that Zhou Zhengji, who had been in the army at that time, had been emptied by wine in recent years.

And the woman in front of him was not an ordinary person.

She, but Ruan Mengmeng.

Ruan Mengmeng glanced at Zhou Zhengji with a beautiful eyebrow, and then she pulled Ruan Jiaojiao's left hand directly while Zhou Zhengji held her right wrist.


Ruan Jiaojiao made a scream.

Originally, the dislocated hand bone was directly torn off by Ruan Mengmeng.

"You, how can you ..." Hearing her beloved daughter, Zhou Zhengji's old and murky eyes filled with hatred.

But compared with this hate, the bigger feeling in his heart was shocking.

Who is this girl? Can actually carry his own strong obstacles, cut off Jiao Jiao's hand bones!

As soon as Zhou Zhengji's face sank, he reached out and wanted to pull his gun.

Suddenly realized that the gun was placed in the custody hall before entering the banquet hall.

There was a savage swipe at the bottom of Yin Yin's eyes, and when he raised his hand, he would split it behind Ruan Mengmeng's neck.


At the critical moment, a strong and majestic voice broke through the audience, interrupting Zhou Zhengji's vicious actions.

President Zhan Kai, accompanied by his assistant, appeared in the banquet hall.

"Good evening, Mr. President."

"Good morning, Your Excellency the President."

Others gave way and said hello in a low voice.

And Zhou Zhengji, who was originally embarrassed, was about to attack Ruan Mengmeng, and took up the gloomy expression on his face.

He turned around and faced President Zhan Kai as he came, posing as a soldier with a peculiar simple smile.

Before President Zhan Kai spoke, Zhou Zhengji said arrogantly: "Brother Zhan, you came just right ... The security of this banquet really needs to be well governed. If you let me arrange it, it will never make such a mistake. If you look at this girl, you don't know who was put in ... at the banquet, I didn't say anything, and I broke the Jiao Jiao's hand bones that I just took home. "

In front of Zhan Kai, Zhou Zhengji always regarded himself as his younger brother, and it was a simple and honest appearance of life and death.

Because of this, for so many years, Zhan Kai suspected no one and never doubted Zhou Zhengji.

But now-after learning the truth behind him, looking at the man in front of him, he only feels extremely ironic.

However, this is not the time to tear your face.

President Zhan Kai slyly followed Zhou Zhengji's introduction and looked behind him.

It's okay not to look at it. At this look, the eyes almost fell out of anger.

"Meng Meng! You ..."

What's on your neck!

This is a feast for his granddaughter, this child ... How did this child give him a red dot?

[Today ’s update is complete. See you in the group after 0 ~]

(End of this chapter)

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