Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1503: I do n’t need you to be a fool

Chapter 1503 Fool, You Don't Need Somewhere

Ruan Jiaojiao doesn't hesitate to a mutation in Ruan Mengmeng's identity, and Ruan Miaomeng's identity can even be more noble than herself.

But now, she is at least a little stronger than Ruan Mengmeng.

That is the man she will remarry in the future, definitely more powerful than Li Junyu!

She resisted the distress that was uploaded from her wrist, gritted her teeth and said, "It's rare to have this uneasiness, it's better to be concerned about yourself. It's down to being kicked out by the family, and I have to give the woman a burden for my livelihood. If I were an ancestor of Li family, Must feel ashamed of Li Shao! "

This girl, she dared to bang against the young master in person!

Even though Li Shao and Li's family broke away from the relationship, everyone was used to looking up at him, and suddenly saw Li Shao being bumped face-to-face, and even some had no time to react.

Some people, like Ruan Jiaojiao, have short-sightedness.

But many people, including Zhou Zhengji, who looked deeper and farther and thoughtfully, couldn't help showing fear.

Zhou Zhengji hurriedly pulled Ruan Jiaojiao's arm, "Li Shao, the little girl is not sensible, don't give her general knowledge."

Those words he said just now haven't torn his face, but he's just playing at the front.

Now Ruan Jiaojiao's words are directly offensive to Li Junyu.

Zhou Zhengji was worried that his daughter would anger the man who shouldn't offend.

However, everything is too late.

The first one who couldn't help but stood up holding the slinging skirt, was leaning halfway against Li Jun Yu's arms, who had been well-behaved the other day, and seemed to be eaten by men. Meng.

"Ruan Silan, close your stinky mouth! Your cosmetic surgery is not a secret. In high school, Quan Zhi Xue knew that your name of" Ran Silan "has long been known throughout the school. Jun Yu said the fact is that you were lying in surgery The photos of Li Junting on the stage are still on my mobile phone now, and I can show them to you at any time. "

Speaking of it, Ruan Mengmeng tried to open the handbag.

She was anxious. This Ruan silica gel dare to say that her family Li Junyu was ‘ridden to be kicked out’, and she dared to humiliate Li Junyu!

People who do not even have the heart to bully, why bully outsiders.

Ruan Mengmeng was a little emotional. At this time, she was devoted to protecting her husband. She forgot that she was still the granddaughter of President Zhan Kai, or heir who had just been introduced to it by President Zhan Kai.

Because of her emotional excitement, she became short of breath.

Shown above the front of the icy blue tube top dress, the piece of soft white snow covered with kiss marks followed the rapid breathing of her ups and downs.

That delicate little face was a little scarlet because of being angry.

Even anger and quarrel are so beautiful.

Not to mention, when she spoke, the pair of clear apricot eyes that could see through the heart.

The water was shining, and everyone's heart was crisp.

Mr. Li's face sank instantly.

Mengmeng was in his early days, and he was happy.

But she was so beautiful and beautiful, she was gazed by so many eyes-especially, when Li Junyu found out that there were other people in the crowd, such as Jing Yiyu and Shen Yu, his handsome and deep face was even more gloomy. Already.

The next moment, Ruan Mengmeng had no time to respond, and a big palm clasped her waist.

Feet off the ground without protection.

Ruan Mengmeng was hugged by Li Junyu.

By the time she responded, her face had been put into Li chest by Li Junyu.

The little woman's soft body was nestled in his arms, and Li Junyu's hot palm was placed behind her hips across the gauze skirt.

The man's big palm, petted with a punishment, shot on Ruan Mengmeng's very small PP.

"Fool, I don't need you to do anything like that for me. Just shut up this woman and I'll be fine."

[Continue, there is another chapter, it is estimated that it will be written after 0 o'clock ~]

(End of this chapter)

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