Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1505: Heart knot

Chapter 1505: The Heart Is Knotted

"You ... Jun Yu Hotel, Yu Yao Technology, are you still in your hands?"

The woman being held in his arms by the man, at this moment was not as excited as anyone else thought, but looked astonished.

Although Ruan Mengmeng doesn't know about other companies in Li Junyu's hands, she is very clear about Junyu Hotel and Yuyao Technology.

Junyu Hotel is S's first seven-star hotel in China.

And Yuyao technology, she knows better.

It covers most of the blockbuster games currently on the market, from end-to-hand to mobile games.

Not only games, Yuyao's various software apps also occupy a huge IT market, and it is the absolute king of the IT industry.

Not to mention other companies Ruan Mengmeng doesn't know, just these two are enough to let Li Junyu sit in Jinshan.

So, what happened to Li Junting's mouth that he was so homeless that he could only nest in a narrow office and sleep on a sofa with his legs stretched out?

"Li Junyu!" Thinking of this, Ruan Mengmeng tightened the collar of the man with excitement, "What the **** is going on, you ... hmm ..."

Later, before she asked, she was kissed by the man who fell in front of her and ate it.

Ruan Mengmeng's eyes widened, she couldn't believe the handsome face enlarged in front of her eyes.

The deep-eyed man was clasping her back hard, deepening the kiss.

The sudden kiss made the guests couldn't help but exclaim.

Especially the female guests everywhere, many people covered their faces and showed envious expressions.

Everyone hopes to meet such a handsome and affectionate man.

He is Li Junyu. He has a distinguished family history, a wealthy and powerful country, an attractive appearance, and an unrivalled momentum.

And this kind of man is just obsessed with a woman.

For her, she is willing to give in and give everything.

At the end of the kiss, Ruan Mengmeng was a little embarrassed by Li Junyu's kiss. He was panting in his arms, and Xingmou looked at her with a blur.

And the man who tasted the sweetness of the little woman told her in a low voice: "In the future, you ca n’t call your husband by your name ... Remember it, eh?"

"Remember ... remember ..." Ruan Mengmeng shivered and nodded.

Her Mr. Li was very affectionate, and his deep black eyes were bewildered, bewildering her and nodding.

"In addition, Grand Royal Hotel, Royal Technology and all other companies are not in my hands, but in your hands. Mrs. Li, you are the owner of these companies."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

The apex of my heart is a wonderful feeling.

Ruan Mengmeng did not expect that Li Junyu would really do this step. He was a tyrant and a master Li.

For her, he actually chose to enter the burden, and gave her all the industries.

Why can he trust her so wholeheartedly?

"Stupid, stupid ..." Ruan Mengmeng had a sore nose and suddenly took the initiative to climb Li Junyu's shoulder and hug his neck.

The small face is buried in the man's hard chest, no matter what the occasion is, hugging him with a crying voice and saying, "You are not afraid that I will run with your company, or go to find other small fresh meat. Is that so, you're poor, penniless ... you're a fool. "

Stupid, why treat her so well.

It was so good that she didn't have the heart to care about him anymore, and she couldn't bear to blame him for letting go of her hands.

There are some traumas that have been separating from the heart, which seem to be gradually melting.

At this moment, Ruan Mengmeng just wants to be good with Li Jun forever.

Never miss each other again.

[I'm sorry today, I have injured my hand, I can only make two changes on both sides, I can only write two changes, and I am slow to write, sorry ~]

(End of this chapter)

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