Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1507: Fight thin

Chapter 1507 Fighting Thin Battle Sun

"Zhan Yang?" The old man Li, who had always been covered with wind and frost, finally saw a slight change.

The other people present also showed shocked and surprised expressions.

As we all know, Zhan Yang, the son of President Zhan Kai, died young as early as ten years ago.

Moreover, for some reason, Zhan Mo and Zhan Jia, two grandchildren who should have been carefully raised by President Zhan Kai, have since disappeared.

Little is known about this.

But Li, one of the four major families, has heard a lot of meticulousness.

One of them is that President Zhan Kai did not agree with the two grandchildren of Zhan Yang and Duan Xiuhuisheng.

Therefore, Zhan Mo and Zhan Jiaer have been raised abroad because of this. When most upper-level people who have not attended the presidential banquet heard that the president found his granddaughter, the first reaction was that the granddaughter thought It is Zhan Jiaer.

After all, Mr. President could not say to outsiders that he always knew that Zhan Jiaer was his granddaughter, but he didn't want to recognize it.

"No matter who he is, ask him to come in first." Father Li quickly returned from a brief shock, "you ... the others go down first, I want to see that person alone."

Zhan Yang, even if it has gradually blurred in a long time, but Mr. Li is still impressed when he thinks about the young man.

If Zhan Yang did not die, maybe the situation of country S is another picture now.

Mr. Li knows that the beacon group is a multinational consortium with rich capital in country M.

He has heard about it, but he has not dealt with it.

Now, the people who represented the Beacon Group actually surnamed Zhan, which is very similar to Zhan Yang of that year.

Mr. Li narrowed his eyes narrowly, and his old eyes crossed the light.

At the same time, Mrs. Li and Mr. Li Hongyang got up and went upstairs after hearing the instructions from the father.

But at the bottom of Shen Lan's heart, hesitated.

Although she didn't show it, she followed Li Hongyang upstairs, but she couldn't keep looking at the door.

Many years ago, she also saw the distinguished and extraordinary son of Zhanjia, who was very impressed with Zhanyang.

Isn't Zhan Yang dead? Or is it just a similar person?

Suddenly, Shen Lan was provoked by great interest.

She wanted to see what the man named Zhanbo looked like.

Shen Lan was walking slowly down the stairs.

A tall, long, cold-minded man appeared at the entrance of the hall with a dignified and petite girl showing a bit of tenderness and beauty.

Behind them, there were more than a dozen black bodyguards, each of whom was burly and majestic, and looked like they had a great pomp.

Seeing this scene, not only was Shen Lan's eyes brightened, but even the old lady Li and Li Hongyang also slowed down.

This man really looks like Zhan Yang.

Years didn't even leave any traces on his face, but made his stern face look even more calm and impeccable.

Zhan Yang had been like this for more than a decade ago.

And now, again, he is as ordinary as he was ... no, he is more powerful than that.

At this moment, even Master Li, who was sitting in the living room, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the man in a black coat with deep facial features.

It was a handsome, stern face, with a fatal appeal, even more mature than a young man.

A glance can make it unforgettable.

[Continue to write, and later]

Have a meal, the next chapter may be a little later ~ I will come back after 9:30

(End of this chapter)

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