Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1511: Miss Meng Meng spoils her son-in-law

Chapter 1511

The outside world is treacherous, but at the moment it has not affected the other two as sweet as the newly-wed Yaner.

A tyrant who has officially become the son-in-law of the door has been lying in Ruan Mengmeng's room for several days, and really has the so-called 'into the son-in-law' life.

"Li Junyu, don't come again, let me go ..."

Early in the morning, a kind of discordant voice came from Ruan Mengmeng's bedroom.

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the presidential palace is good, so this kind of sound is not allowed to pass outside the bedroom.

Otherwise, all the people in the presidential palace would be afraid to hear the soft and waxy sound of a small woman being eaten by a man.

But even so, everyone in the presidential palace still knows that your granddaughter, who has been recovered for a long time, has a husband who is very special and special.

As an in-law son-in-law, the husband-in-law is not only handsome, of good physique, but also especially 'competent'!

No wonder Meng Meng will be deeply grateful to this newly married husband.

The door was closed for a few hours, alas ... It seems that tonight, the internal waiter will instruct them to stew more medicated yin and tonic.

"Yemm ... Li Junyu, you ca n’t kiss anymore even if it ’s a wolf. Look at my chest yourself. Yesterday your seal was not good. Why did you print it on me again! Why do you make this, I How can you go out and do a movie today! "

Early in the morning, Ruan Mengmeng was grabbed by Li Junyu to do that kind of exercise on the bed.

Obviously she hasn't had time to trouble his two brothers, Li Junting, and ask them to deceive her and make them bankrupt and homeless.

In the end Li Junyu was good, and in turn settled with her after the fall, blaming her for hiding him from preparing a husband election and punishing her accordingly.

These days, Ruan Mengmeng has been transformed into Mr. Li, a dark tyrant, and almost doesn't get out of bed under his body.

Finally, two days ago, she finally caught Li Junyu's opportunity to return to the company to handle important tasks, and went out to meet Meng Siwen.

She had already promised Meng Siwen to invest in the TV series Meng Siwen wrote and directed.

After the meeting, because Meng Siwen still could not find a suitable heroine, Ruan Mengmeng patted her **** on her own.

Who knew that yesterday she didn't go to the studio to take a makeup photo, and when she got home, she was thrown on the big bed by Li Junyu.

When she was humming by Li Junyu's bullying, crying and making noises.

I just learned from this bad man's mouth, but it was because I saw her set makeup on the Internet that exposed her shoulders, and this damn, exclusive and vigorous man caught her back and printed her shoulders with kiss marks.

"Li Junyu, don't print any more ... you can print as much as you want, and the makeup artist can also cover it with concealer." Soft Meng called softly and softly, trying to push away the person.

It's a pity that she doesn't scream. It's so tender and soft that makes someone more emotional.

Li Junyu originally only wanted to imprint her some marks to let the staff of the same crew know that the woman in front of him was his, and she had already become famous.

But the little woman's soft throbbing provoked, but her lower abdomen tightened, and her deep black eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a lot of surging emotion.

"Meng Meng ... I taught you to call her husband." The husky voice of the man was soft and sexy.

"Huh?" Ruan Mengmeng snorted softly, not understanding why Li Junyu said this suddenly.

The next moment, the body was suddenly imprisoned by someone, followed by a fierce occupation.

She heard Li Junyu bit her ear bead and said, "This is disobedient punishment ..."

[Continue to write, there is a bit later ~ Reiterate again, Yu Meng CP only broke up the abuse, there is no abuse later! 】

(End of this chapter)

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