Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1514: Heart thump

Chapter 1514: Heart Beat

"Meng Meng, you can rest assured that Mr. Shen is a high-level student who graduated from Columbia Film and Television Institute in M ​​State. When I talked to him about investment before, I heard him talk about the drama. Mr. Shen told us The show is sincere. "

Meng Siwen didn't wait for Deng to speak before he spoke for him.

The gloomy image is really suitable for playing the cool and handsome Fu Junqing, and the appearance conditions are even more suitable than the original actor.

"Meng Dao has a good reputation." Although Shen Yu was talking to Meng Siwen, her deep eyes were firmly fixed on Ruan Mengmeng's small face.

He narrowed his eyes and said to Ruan Mengmeng: "This time, the actor of the Shen family had a temporary problem, which delayed the shooting. As a boss, I should naturally be responsible for our actor of the Shen family. If Meng Meng is not at ease, she can test my acting skills and make a decision. "

"... how to test?" Ruan Mengmeng asked subconsciously, but always felt that there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

In particular, he called himself Miss Mengmeng.


"It's very simple. We can play a rival play. If you don't think it is good enough, I will invite a film-level actor for the crew even if it is expensive."

After speaking, Shen Yu got up and walked towards Ruan Mengmeng.

His tall figure suddenly approached, his arms opened and supported on the back of the sofa and armrests on both sides of Ruan Mengmeng's body. The woman who was lying back and wanted to pull away was firmly locked on the sofa and his Between your chest.

This scene is the interaction between Fu Junqing and Lu Yaoyao in the script.

On the side, Meng Siwen did not find any clues at all, but instead he read with interest and heart.

Ruan Mengmeng felt a throbbing heart.

Not throbbing, but panic.

She couldn't say why, and didn't even dare to look directly into the dark and gloomy black eyes, always feeling that his eyes were too hot.

"Yaoyao ..." The man's voice was low, and he actually started to play.

However, the next second, Ruan Mengmeng broke power in advance.

"No, no need, Mr. Shen, I think your acting skills are very good, and our drama ... will trouble you ..."

Ruan Mengmeng wanted to reach out and push the gloom, but he didn't want to touch too much, his little hand hung in the air and blocked.

God knows how at this moment Shen Yu wants to grasp this pair of green hands that are tender and white.

But reason, let him suppress the impulse in his heart.

The dark, bottomless eyes were burning and shining. At this moment, the **** of his eyes had been emptied by the woman in front of him.

"After that, the cooperation is happy." Shen Yu stood up and gave Ruan Mengmeng a fresh air.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was finally not surrounded by the coldness of a strange man, exhaled.

"Happy cooperation." She even felt a fine sweat in her palms, telling her intuitively that the man in front of her might not be a good stubble.

Ruan Mengmeng doesn't know how they will cooperate happily in the future.


The matter was much unexpected by Ruan Mengmeng.

When she was one of the investors, she re-watched the crew and Shen Yu signed the actor contract.

Shen Yu gave her an unexpected gift.

Shen Yu sent a document to Ruan Mengmeng: "Meng Meng, I heard that you are a bit embarrassed with my second sister. It happens that there is a document here, which you should hold. It should help you."

Ruan Mengmeng didn't respond to who the gloomy second sister was at first.

It wasn't until a few seconds before she remembered that Shen Lan's second sister should be Shen Lan.

So, this document is ...?

[Continue to write, there will be later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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