Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1522: Li Junyu wants to divorce her

Chapter 1522 Li Junyu Wants To Divorce Her

After the ice, Mr. Li was very talkative.

Ruan Mengmeng called Li Junyu to sit on the sofa outside, and Mr. Li wanted to hug her and was avoided.

She leaned back slightly, sitting on the other side of the sofa, holding the pillow between the two: "Sit down first, I have something to ask you."

The man frowned slightly: "If you want to ask questions, you can ask if you sit close."

After speaking, he made an effort to get up and lean over, and was immediately smashed by the pillow in the little woman's hand.

After Ruan Mengmeng threw it, he quickly grabbed another pillow and blocked it.

"You are not allowed to come, just sit there. Sit closer, you ... you come ..." When you sit close, Li Junyu knows to hold her and kiss her, and kiss her and she will be brought down. The business behind me couldn't go on.

The man was hugged by the little woman on the pillow, making him laugh like a kitten hiding behind him.

The dignified tyrant didn't realize how big it was to be thrown by his little wife with a pillow on the sofa.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, a steady smile appeared, and he was slightly coddled and said, "Okay, I don't move first, you ask."

Ruan Mengmeng held the pillow in her arms and sat upright.

"I ask you, is it true that Mr. Bao in your mouth is you? Why did you become Mr. Bao in kindergarten?"

Xiao Mianmian once told her that Teacher Bao in the kindergarten was an uncle who was particularly good and kind and would buy good food for Mianmian.

Ruan Mengmeng always thought that the kindergarten teacher in the kindergarten didn't even think of the "violent teacher".

"It's me." Li Junyu's deep gaze fell on the small, shiny face on the opposite side, with a low tone: "I want to see you, can't help but want to be close to you, so I went to kindergarten. As for why it became Teacher Bao, also Not because the person you like is me. "

"Why, what?" Ruan Mengmeng's eyes flickered, and she suddenly didn't understand what Li Junyu meant.

Mr. Li changed his sitting position, his lazy long legs overlapped, and his slender fingers sharply tapped on the sofa armrest, suddenly lowering his voice.

"I heard that a little woman would cry after falling asleep at night, crying and crying with the word 'Tyrant'. I think she must like that man named 'Tyrant'."

Although Li Junyu is now forcing Xiao Mianmian to call him 'Dad', he is a bit wrong.

But when he was in kindergarten, he and Mian Mian had a common little secret relationship.

Through Xiao Mianmian, he knew everything about what happened to his little woman and what he did during the time of breaking up.

She chose to abandon her because of the insurmountable divide.

But it was his heart that tortured all the time.

Watching her smile at other men, ‘forming a family’ with other men, going out of pairs.

If it wasn't for that time, Ruan Mianmian had no intention of revealing this passage, and his heart would probably not be able to sustain this time.

Suddenly I heard Li Junyu's words, Ruan Mengmeng's face turned red.

She couldn't think of anything, she ... Li Junyu knew all the dream words she said after falling asleep at night.

You don't need to guess, it must have been exposed by the ‘little traitor’.

My heart trembled a little, but Li Junyu joked. Ruan Mengmeng countered with a feeling of guilty conscience: "I don't like you, I don't know who I like, and I pretend to be a kindergarten teacher secretly. come back."

By this time, she could not guess.

She just said, how can there be such a strange kindergarten, even the kitchenware, maintenance products.

No matter how wealthy a school can't do it.

Speaking of which, Ruan Mengmeng's beautiful Xing Yan suddenly flashed.

She suddenly remembered something--

"No! Li Junyu, you actually sent a hair shampoo to bring back Mianmian? I told you clearly the meaning of the ID of" treat my long hair and waist ", you ... you clearly want to divorce me ?! "

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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