Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1525: Favorite Wife Demon King

Chapter 1525: The Wife's Favor

"Li Junting ..." A slightly cold voice suddenly called the peacock's name.

"If your uncle chases you and runs, you will not be able to confess your mistakes, but you should also learn to stand upright. As long as your mother, you will respect Mengmeng from now on.

Brother Bingshan, who had high hopes for Li Peacock, would not look at him, and calmly taught him.

Also, what are you saying, "Long Nu is like a mother"!

Xiaoao, Xiaomitao is younger than him, OK, respect what.

However, the tyrant has completely become a faint prince, even though Li Peacock dares not to speak.

He was afraid that his brother's next sentence would cause a cart of steaks to come out, so even if the inner sorrow wanted to resist, he could only stand and nod.

"Yes, I was wrong, my dear sister-in-law, I promise not to lie to you in the future ... It was not all because of the situation at the time, I was also for you and my brother."

In order to survive, the peacock can only lower its proud head.

‘Dear Grandma’, the first three words are really harsh.

The coldness at the bottom of Li Jun's eyes was even worse.

But looking at Li Junting's fairly sincere attitude, coupled with the fact that he lied this time to help himself, Li Junyu did not care about him.

Holding the wife of Xiaojiao, the man said in a deep voice, "What are you doing up here?"

The cold tone is the one that speaks to his ‘dear brother’.

Li Peagu sighed in his heart. With his wife, he forgot his brother. The three of them were really pitiful.

But Li Junting immediately straightened himself up: "Three things. You let me arrange what I did, and it was done. It was during this time that he walked away. I can find you an opportunity in about two weeks.

The second thing, I ca n’t find you and call me to tell me that my cousin has fallen out with him. Now my cousin is flying on the plane of country S. After your cousin arrives, he will probably come to you. You know, Xiao Yueze has always been closest to you.

One last thing ... give it back to me. "

Then, Li Junting reached out to Li Junyu and spread out his palm.

Ruan Mengmeng, who heard the whole thing stupidly, had no idea what the two were talking about.

It was not until the last thing that she understood that Li Junyu seemed to owe Li Junting something.

The man frowned slightly and didn't seem to understand the meaning of his brother.

He chilled for two seconds before he said, "What else?"

Li Junting: "The peacock is awful, I heard that you somehow look for feathers, and then sent Ling Nan to my downstairs company and put the two fake peacocks decorated at the front desk, and the hair was all out.

Brother, I said you are okay to get my peacock hair out? My company's name is Peacock Films. It's hard to find a peacock decoration. You didn't tear me down. "

His two fake peacocks were standing naked near the front desk now, ugly.

Li Junyu: ...

Even though it is known that Ling Nan has a lot of opinions on the second child because of Ling Xi's relationship, the tyrant master did not expect the Ling Nan Association's communique to be personally hatred.

He asked Ling Nan to go downstairs to find a few feathers, but he did not expect that Ling Nan had completely pulled out the peacock badger of the Junting Company.

The man's grim forehead was drawn, for his childishness.

"I do n’t have a peacock, but I have some investment. How do I make the project you are looking for, arrange a few scripts for Meng Meng, and ask for the best card, your next peacock movie, I I'll make it for you. "

Even if his little wife returned to the war family and became Zhan Mengmeng, her external identity is still actor Ruan Mengmeng. As long as the school is not filming, she will go back to study.

Just this, Li Junyu can see that Mengmeng will not give up the actor.

Ruan Mengmeng may be the stage name of her life in the future, and in the future, she will eventually become the brightest star in S country and even the world movie scene.

Now that she is willing to make a show, each of her plays will be his investment.

The advantage of this is that he can identify kisses, bed scenes, intimate scenes ... even actor candidates.

"But ..." At this moment, the soft voice of the little woman in the man's arms came, "I haven't had time to pick up a new show recently. I just signed a contract."

[Beyond 1200 words: updated today, see you tomorrow night ~]

(End of this chapter)

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