Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1529: Another infatuated person

Chapter 1529: Another Infatuated Man

The people who knocked on the door were Ye Lingxi and Jing Fat.

Although the company now has dedicated professional managers to look after it, as long as there is time, Ye Lingxi and Jing Fatty will come to the company to help.

Especially Ye Lingxi, she is simply a born operator.

A talented student in the finance department, she has the ability to cope with the complicated academic studies of the finance and finance department. When she arrived at the company, she faced practical cases of corporate mergers and acquisitions. She had almost no shortcomings except for a little lack of experience.

"Meng Meng, you are here." Seeing Ruan Meng Meng, Ye Lingxi's beautiful peach eyes can all glow.

She took a big pile of merger and acquisition files and filed statements, and planned to spend an afternoon to report all the group conditions on these days to Ruan Mengmeng.

Mengmeng trusted her to put her in the position of executive vice president.

She will do everything to help her.

But Jing Fatty's expression is more complicated than Ye Lingxi's pious and enthusiastic eyes.

He coughed a few times, and after Ye Lingxi put down the file dossier, he slowly squeezed out a sentence: "That ... Mengzhu, you ... have you found my brother recently? Or have he found Past you? "

"Brother Jing?" Ruan Mengmeng, who was taking over the file in Ye Lingxi's hand, looked up, a little at a loss, "Isn't your brother recently traveling abroad? I called him last time, and he said he would be busy lately."

Brother Jing did not come to participate in the ‘recognition of the family board’ last time.

At that time, she called Brother Jing Jing and called him. He said that he was on a business trip abroad and was busy. He would not return to China in the short term.

"His ... I know, he must not say anything." Jing fat man patted his head, revealing a young and mature look.

Ye Lingxi, who looked down at the archives, paused for a moment with slender fingers, without any trace, as if nothing had happened, and continued to read.

Hearing Jing Fatty's words, Ruan Mengmeng's expression was stern and serious: "Your brother is in trouble? Jing Fatty, don't hide from me, say it quickly."

Brother Jing is a very important person for her.

In her most difficult time, he was like a towering tree that lifted a sky for her, giving her a moment of breathing space.

Even in this life, there is no way to respond to his feelings.

But in Ruan Mengmeng's mind, he will always be the closest and most important person.

"What else can happen, not just to be trapped in love. My brother, don't look at him with an upside-down, perfect appearance of evil spirits, looks like romantic, in fact ... he is colder than anyone else in terms of emotion .

Do you remember when you first saw him, he forced me to eat green onions, and he looked horrible and horrible? He used to be like that, he cares not to care about anyone, and he is not as gentle as every time he appears in front of you. "

From that time, Jing Fatty knew that his elder brother had a deep love for Mengzhu, which is different from other people.

When has he been so gentle with himself, not all because he met Moe Zhu, he became a gentle and considerate brother. He used to scare him with onions.

"So what's going on with Brother Jing, can you stop selling the official Jing Jing!" Ruan Mengmeng was dying.

"Well, I did n’t say that I was stuck in love. My brother has always liked you, even if you are good with Li Da, he still hopes until ... until he went to the presidential palace to attend the banquet last time, after he came back Just locked himself in the room. I think he must know the fact that you have got a marriage certificate. By now, my brother has locked himself in the third-floor room and hasn't stepped out of the door for a few days ... "

[Continue writing, one more chapter today ~]

(End of this chapter)

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