Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1537: How deep is the anger in my heart

Chapter 1537 How Deep Is The Anger In My Heart, How Much Is The Kiss

Ruan Mengmeng reposted the Weibo in the car, and then she turned the organ. She didn't know what kind of sensation the later Weibo sent.

She leaned her head against the window of the car and looked at the street view outside the window.

It was already dark, and there was even light rain on the outside. Under the rain curtain of Lili, the street lights on the outside turned into stars.

Suddenly, Ruan Mengmeng felt a little tired.

Sister, Xiao Xi ... I wonder if they are doing well now?

She asked Feng Yizhen to pay attention to her sister's news, but she did not dare to bother, and troubled her grandfather to investigate the whereabouts of Xiao Xi, but unfortunately knew nothing.

These days, the company's condition is getting better and better. She successfully accepted Ruan's and acquired several companies. Now she also invests in filming.

But ... even if he didn't care about it, Ruan Mengmeng frowned at the thought of Li Junyu's cold war with her.

Bad man, why ca n’t she be considerate?

She knows who she likes, and she won't forget her heart because of other people's closeness or goodwill.

She just wanted to make money and wanted to support more burdens, but Li Junyu was an autocratic and ruthless tyrant. In fact, it is not the same overbearing power.

Where is he like a superfluous person, she is like a little daughter-in-law!

Ruan Mengmeng secretly murmured in the car, anxious to fist against the bad man.

Until the car stopped in front of the presidential palace.

"Ms. Mengmeng, the presidential palace has arrived." Jing's driver reminded her.

Ruan Mengmeng was preparing to open the door, and the door was pulled open from the outside.

An unexpected, tall, long figure appeared twilightly outside the door.

The drizzle wets the man's black hair, and the neatly combed hair is always messy because of this. The strands of black hair hang down on the forehead, covering the dark and dark eyes that cannot see clearly.

"..." Ruan Mengmeng's breathing was stagnant. I didn't expect that when the door opened, I saw the man waiting in the rain.

He seemed to stand for a long time, and the rain wet his clothes.

The black coat was so heavy because it was soaked in water.

A kind of chill that Ruan Mengmeng couldn't ignore emanated from the man.

"Ms. Mengmeng, is there any trouble ..." The driver of the driver's seat saw the door open, but Ruan Mengmeng didn't get out of the car for a long time, thinking she was in trouble.

Looking back, he was almost cold from the neck of the man outside the car.

"He's my husband, it's okay, I'll just go down ... ah ..." Before the words fell, a big hand reached in and grabbed her arm directly.

Ruan Mengmeng was dragged into a wide and cold embrace.

He was all cold, with a cold breath.

Water vapor moistened the entire coat, and it was not known how long the person had stood outside the door.

As soon as the nasal cavity was sour, Ruan Mengmeng felt a **** on her apex and felt distressed.

Stupid Li Junyu, don't hurt yourself even if you are arguing about the Cold War.

What was he doing standing outside the door, and would he still be so wronged? He didn't know to go inside or hit an umbrella, he ...

Before the digging in her heart was finished, her chin was pinched by the man.

The familiar and cool male hormone breathed into the breath, and the thin lips with coolness quickly occupied her delicate lips.

The frowning man said nothing, just kissed her and kissed her hard.

Holding her lips rolling and sucking, pry open her shell teeth to occupy every inch of her breath, letting go of any inch, sucking 丨 kiss 丨 啃 丨 bite.

With a big palm on her waist, how deep the anger and jealousy in his heart was, how deep his kiss was.

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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